Two killed in explosion near Karachi airport targeting Chinese nationals

Source: javelin3000


  1. Wild-Word4967 on

    The article never stated why the terrorists targeted the Chinese nationals. I wonder if it has anything to do with the Uyghur Muslim concentration camps in China.

  2. Pakistan is a country who has multiple terrorist organization. It is also the country which hid Osama Bin laden. And US calls Pakistan its ALLY.
    Pakistan is alleged to be a safe haven for terrorist groups including:

    Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT)[92]
    Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM)[92]
    Jaish ul-Adl[94]
    Al Badr Mujahideen[95]
    Harkat ul Mujahideen[93]

  3. Pakistan is barely a nation in of itself, it’s a collection of smaller nations forced together into nonsensical borders by the British and are only united by islam. This type of poorly thought state was never going to last. The different nations within Pakistan were always destined to either compete for dominance or demand independence, and the only counters the central state has to preserve itself are even more radical islam and tyranny.

    I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Pakistan collapses into a bunch of smaller countries split along ethnic lines at some point within my lifetime.

  4. Pakistan as a nation has a good relation with China. So this was done by separatist BLA has nothing to do with the Pakistani government.

  5. If you keep snakes in your backyard, don’t be surprised if they bite someone other than your neighbor.

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