Muslim faith leaders endorse Harris

Source: WhileFalseRepeat


  1. This is wonderful news. All Muslims have never been the problem, nor have all Palestinians (or Lebanese, or Iranians, etc.). And all that are committed to mutual existence and peace are welcome.

    TLDR version of what everyone on the side of peace needs to do: Support Israel. You’re supporting Liberalism around the world and the citizens of Gaza that are committed to peace when you do.

    Here is the longer version:

    This is a good time to be grateful to be a US citizen or otherwise living long distances away from large concentrations of people that hold beliefs that lead them down the path of taking waging jihad on as their sincere life project. Every mile buys a measure of safety.

    People wonder why Mossad and the IDF are so incredibly capable and the US spends so much money arming them. Look at who their nextdoor neighbors are. Look at their neighbors’ patterns of behavior and look at the things they say and do around the world. These are very persistent folks.

    Necessity is the mother of invention. Look at what the US and Israel invent – Iron Dome. A shield for civilians that launches defensive missiles to protect civilians at significant cost to them as taxpayers. Look at what Israel’s neighbors invent. Tunnels under civilians to use them as shields for their “leaders”.

    What possible necessity are some of these people providing for that justifies their very specific types of inventions? There are plenty of good people that will remain very committed to the ‘protect and defend’ mission regardless of cost – it is a necessity. But what are we going to do about the problem that is making us all work this hard for, spend so much money on, and sacrifice so much for?

    And why isn’t it obvious to everyone that if Sinwar were a “good guy” he’d be up waving a white flag over his head to every news station he could find? That’s what a good guy does if he is surrounded like this. He would have done it a long time ago. He could stop Netanyahu in his tracks in an instant, and yet he seems incapable of doing the only obvious thing to do? Who else hid in a bunker like this? Who was his enemy? And what was he trying to do?

    This is getting beyond concerning that people can’t seem to see that. It is very fortunate Israel is capable of defending itself and has the US as the world’s closest neighbor no matter the distance in miles. These people are very persistent at exploiting vulnerabilities… But fortunately it looks like they will never be persistent enough.

    No one is trying to start a regional war on the “good guy” team. That isn’t anyone’s grand aspiration or project. But it may not be avoidable forever. That’s just reality when confronted with this particular situation. We do our absolute best to make the most of a terrible hand others dealt. Netanyahu is a very imperfect man, but his moral clarity, eloquence, and decisiveness are unbelievable attributes for Israel in this moment.

    Fortunately, this time – Netanyahu is Churchill, the US is France, and the initial invasion only claimed 1,200 lives. There is very regrettably a serious problem in Europe with Ukraine under invasion from Russia, but thank God for NATO. Nothing like a bit of self-interest to keep Europe in the game…

    It’s time to wake up here people. Liberalism is under threat everywhere you look. All it takes to beat it back is for the world to back Israel in this moment. They’re not going to go crazy. They are the only people I’d trust not to abuse the kind of power they hold in this moment – they are the survivors of the holocaust. That teaches you things about life.

    I apologize for the long rant, but this is truly getting absurd. France is asking to stop arming Israel now? We’re back to Vichy government days while Britain has another Chamberlain moment.

    This stuff matters. Life matters. Freedom matters. We need to take the reminder, set down our distractions, and do it with much less violence this time. The Jews are leading the way. This is our chance to finally trust and do right by them. This is how you pay them back – by letting them save you.

    Most selfish people in the world? Try most generous.

    All they want, and all they have ever wanted, is to live in peace with their neighbors. Why is this so hard for us to see? We really need to address that problem.

    Please feel free to share this, it’s exactly what the bad guys don’t want to have happen.

    To the all the Israelis, Jews, Palestinians, Lebanese, Yemenis, Iranians, Christians, other Muslims, and many others committed to the causes of liberty, security, and liberalism around the world: Aleichem shalom. Salam Alaykum. Peace be unto you. We beat them together.

    • ⁠An atheist ally

  2. This can’t be true, Reddit told me the Muslim ban guy was going to be better for Palestinians, and Muslims in general.

    Lol, yea of course they’re not going to endorse the Muslim ban racist moron.

  3. I mean, it’d be shocking to see “Muslim faith leaders endorse Trump” being that he wants to deport them all, so yeah…

  4. Present-Object393 on

    Do they want her to lose? Because that’s not going to help her at all. This will hurt her chances in every conservative state and rightly so. Islam is anti-American. Their religion literally says we should be killed if we don’t convert. Their is nothing more anti-liberal than supporting a savage backward religion that promotes hurting and raping woman.

    This is what happens when muslims are the majority. Your fucking rights go away.

  5. Not sure a letter will do all that much. Hopefully they can get out and talk with these people directly too.

    25 Islamic religious leaders / 200 000 arabs in MI. 8000 each in 30 days. That’s like 266 every day, they need to talk to. Maybe fewer if they can do some larger gatherings. 🙂

  6. Let’s see if this prevents Muslims from choosing to stay home, particularly in Michigan.

  7. AcrobaticSource3 on

    Good, but I can see this as a rallying cry to the evangelicals…Trump: “Look at her, look at Kamala, being endorsed by the Muslims. They want to take away your Bibles. One day, your little boy will go to school, and then return next week as a girl, with a Quran in his school bag. There aren’t any Trump Qurans, you know, only Trump Bibles, which you can buy on my website. Thats what the late great Hannibal Lector would do.”

  8. Surprising considering they wouldn’t let someone speak on behalf of Palestinians at the DNC and Harris has said dozens of times the same “Israel has the right to defend itself” line while Israel continues to kill civilians in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon with zero condemnation from Harris. It seems, in Harris’ eyes, Israel is the only country allowed to defend itself and anyone who tries to defend themselves against Israel slaughtering their civilians by the thousands does not have the same right.

  9. Flashy_Occasion9218 on

    “Knowingly enabling someone like Donald Trump to return to office, whether by voting directly for him or for a third-party candidate, is both a moral and a strategic failure”.

    100%. Been stressing this to my community for the last year. It is beyond stressful but some of my fellow Muslims are coming around. Let’s be smart about this, we’ll only be punishing ourselves giving Trump a better chance to win.

  10. “She is a committed ceasefire candidate too and is the best option for ending the bloodshed in Gaza and now Lebanon,” they wrote.

    The imams argued that former President Donald Trump is a threat to their community.

  11. OneTrueMachineGod on

    So what? I’m an LGBT Muslim, these people don’t share progressive values trust that.

  12. iambarrelrider on

    Next thing they will come up with is that – there are people out there that can control the weather.

  13. dam_sharks_mother on

    This is an endorsement that will push more people away than attract to Harris. Sorry to say, but this is the reality.

  14. IrreverentSunny on

    Good, so I guess Jill Fckn Stein campaigning in Dearborn isn’t having much effect.

  15. CottonCitySlim on

    when she met with Muslim leaders she didn’t not allow uncommitted to talk with her. Dunno why she is being stubborn with that movement from the dnc till now. Elissa Slotkin is raising the alarm on Harris being underwater in Mich trying to warn the campaign to do more.

  16. Javasndphotoclicks on

    Do you want progress or 4 more years of a narcissistic ass clown who is on the mental decline and spews nothing but lies and hate at his rallies.

  17. IrreverentSunny on

    In Israel protesters march to Netanyahu’s residence to demand a ceasefire and the release of the hostages and in Western capitals the pro Palestine cult is protesting carrying Hamas and Hezbollah flags.

    The difference between these two groups couldn’t be any more crass. 

  18. Luposetscientia on

    That’s not good for the right leaning independents. Should have not done that.

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