Potential Trump loss threatens destruction of modern GOP

Source: polymute


  1. This is exactly what this country needs to happen.

    The Republicans have become a social media cult pandering to extremist views and simply doing whatever is possible to pass regressive policies such as outlawing aborting. The messaging of the Republicans is entirely focused at people who emotionally want a “tough” President and is devoid of thoughtful governance.

    As a result, today we only have one functioning political party – the Democratic party.

    This country needs two thoughtful political parties and so I desperately hope the Republicans have an existential moment and are forced to rethink who they really are. I hope they learn that they spent the last 10 years selling their soul to Trump and conservative talk show hosts.

  2. It’s quaint that Axios still thinks of Republicans as a political party and not an influence- and power-buying scheme. So 1980s!

  3. I cannot wait until Mango is a thing of the past and we dont have to hear about what stupid thing he did or said every fking day.

  4. However the next iteration of the GOP rebrands itself, it will be the same cabal of billionaires driving “conservative” policy; the Kochs, the Murdochs, Thiel, Musk, Putin, etc…

  5. The GQP is wholly and totally incapable of governing. Completely detached from reality. Taken by insane conspiracy theories and fascist undercurrents; the modern Republican Party has boiled down to extremist white Christian nationalism with a flair for terrorism.

  6. Independent_Tie_4984 on

    They’ll just gaslight their way out of it.

    “I never really supported him – I was supporting the party” will be a common refrain.

  7. CaseyAnthonyIsHot on

    The modern GOP that still rallies around its candidate and raises hundreds of millions of dollars for him each election. Nothing fundamentally different than what they were doing decades ago. The beliefs haven’t changed either. Trump is just louder than Bush and Reagan.

  8. Trump’s one positive legacy – showed the world exactly how hypocritical the right wing (including evangelicals and etc. who supported him) always has been. He demonstrated that none of them have any integrity, dignity, or logical social morality.

  9. > If Vice President Kamala Harris ultimately is inaugurated in January, a rudderless Republican Party will be forced — for the first time — to move on from Trump, who has said he will not seek the 2028 nomination.

    He’s fucking lying lol. The entire article hinges on trump saying that he wont do something that he likely intends to do.

    Just because he said he won’t doesn’t mean he won’t.

    Yet journalist continue to play pretend as if there’s any validity to anything he says.

  10. I hope it implodes. They deserve it after bending the knee to that cretin. They saw the writing on the wall that their voters were dwindling in 2012 and that their policies were not popular with average working Americans and the youth. They had the chance to change their platform to get more votes.

    Instead they doubled down and figured they would take this place by force without the votes. They’ve done so much shady crap in the last 10 years. Pace Analytica, Russian interference, election fraud, crazy next level lies, gerrymandering, etc.

    Hopefully a sane party comes from the rubble of the Trump era. Earn the votes. Work for your constituents instead of rubber stamping tax cuts for rich fucks and anti-labor BS.

    To any middle class or poor person reading this: the current GOP despises you and actively works against your interests. So I ask in all honesty, why do you vote for these guys? Is it just the irrelevant culture war nonsense? Because if that’s the case, I have some bad news for you. If you have to try and legislate against culture, you’ve already lost. The world is going to change and move on regardless.

  11. The best thing that could ever happen to the Republican Party would be a catastrophic loss. The party needs to regroup as an ideologically coherent opposition party.

  12. It’s kinda funny, because Trump is the ultimate double edged sword for the GOP. Their ideology is so deeply unpopular with normal people that they need a “charismatic” figure head to “Trojan horse” their ideology into legislation; but at the same time, I think enthusiasm for Trump is finally starting to decline from everyone other than the most loyal of diehards. They kind of *had* to go all in on Trump, but in doing so, they’ve kind of doomed themselves without him.

    I can’t imagine them finding a “new Trump” any time soon. Vance, despite mostly putting on a polished mask at the VP debate, has been so deeply unlikable beyond that, and will absolutely be thrown under the bus if Trump loses. DeSantis is a black hole of charisma. Vivek and Haley are too “diverse” for the typical MAGA type. And despite being his spawn, I don’t think anyone gives a shit about Trump’s dumb kids to give them the same level of support.

    I’ve seen people say “Well, nobody saw Obama coming, though”, and sure, but I dunno, I think if Republicans had a “MAGA Obama” on deck, they’d be less concerned about getting Trump into the white house. The very fact that they’re so “Trump or nobody” tells me that they don’t have faith in anyone else in their political sphere to get unwavering support the way Trump has.

  13. Nah, this basically happened post Jan 6 2020 and post the second impeachment. With all critics now booted, what we see now is a full takeover of Trump. So this IS the modern GOP. And as long as there are no real consequences, it will continue to be, even post this election.

  14. bobby-blobfish on

    Eh? The GOP MUST get destroyed in order for it to start over again and be kinda relatively normal.

    MAGA took it over and controls it like a parasite

  15. The Republican Party has turned into WWE. A whole cast of characters and fiction. I’m pretty sure trump got his political start during a WWE episode

  16. medievalmachine on

    Oh we’ve all heard this before. Look the modern GOP is just a storefront that gets rented out. It’s almost completely opposite of the sober responsible Reagan GOP which nevertheless still works to cut taxes for the rich. Everything else is just window dressing.

  17. Darklord_Bravo on

    Yes. And…?

    I see no downside.

    Modern GOP is controlled by MAGA and the far right dipshits. If they could run on the slogan “Make America White Again” you know damn well they would.

    Let it burn to the ground.

  18. MAGA is the “modern” GOP, has been so since 2016.

    People need to realize that this is a process that has been taking place for 8 years and that Trump has his tendrils in every part of the GOP, mainly to funnel cash that he grifts in multiple ways as it is his only source of income really.

    If there are people that have a network that they want to use politically they might as well start a new conservative party. The cost of doing business with Trump and trying to reclaim the GOP is just going to be to great and they’ll always get tainted by him.

  19. The GOP since Nixon has been a party in transition, hijacked by the Christian coalition and tabloid news, but still kowtowing to billionaires.
    Honestly, this is what karmic justice looks like.

  20. roughingupthesuspect on

    Trump bottled up the RNC already. The party for whatever it’s worth, belongs to him until the individual republicans part ways with Trump Inc.

  21. First of all, Trump will never “not run” in the next election. I don’t care what he says. And he wi never sit quietly while others take the spotlight.

  22. The modern GOP was destroyed with his nomination. There’s a reason no former republican president or vice president endorses him.

  23. You guys really need to do away with this shitty 2 party system. Just think if you had a spectrum of party’s. If you didn’t like what the GOP were doing you could switch to a less bat-shit conservative party. That kind of “liquidity” when it comes to voting surely means you don’t get the kind of polarization and drifting we’re now seeing. To avoid this kind of dysfunctional politics you need to allow smaller party’s to have some power giving them the ability to form alliances.

    I know it comes with its own set of dysfunctions but a multi-party system still solves more problems than it creates. For instance where I am… if I’m disappointed in my major party… I’ll vote for a smaller one. The vote is not wasted as the smaller party might be needed by the larger party to win a majority of seats. The smaller party will negotiate and ask for certain bills to be passed or vetoed before making such an alliance. This sends a message to the major party that their voters cannot be taken for granted and if they continue down a silly path then the smaller party will grow in power.

    USA needs to drop its pride and actually learn from more modern democracy’s. Can anyone explain what might get in the way of a multi-party system besides the two party’s themselves? Is there anything in the constitution that blocks such a change in system from happening? I know the electoral collage is so antiquated it might not work well with multiple party’s. Still… something has to change if you want democracy to survive as your aging system is not well equipped for this modern informational and interconnected world.

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