Pro-Palestinian protesters rally at Manitoba Legislative Building nearly one year after Oct. 7 attacks

Source: Relevant-Bus1667


  1. StevenMcStevensen on

    A rally for Palestine on the anniversary of Oct. 7th, that deliberately ignores what was done to Israelis then, truly shows how deranged these people must be.

  2. ViewWinter8951 on

    >“Palestinians are humans too,” Zeid said. “That’s all they want is to live their life and to feed their families and to live in dignity and **peace and harmony with everybody else**.”

    This Zeid may believe this, but unfortunately, the government in Gaza, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran, want to kill or drive out every Jew “from the river to the sea.” They’ve been open about this and have sworn to do this.

    It’s a little hard to see how this qualifies as “peace and harmony with everybody else,” unless they don’t count Jews as part of “everybody else.”

  3. Internal-Ad7895 on

    The day after massacre a bunch of Palestinians were celebrating it on the pedestrian bridge over lakeshore near Exhibition Place in Toronto. This is beyond me, I get Israel has done massive war crimes after that, but why the hell they celebrated mass killing right when it happened…

  4. Palestinians living on treaty 1 land, waving their own flag and complaining about colonialism makes my head spin.

  5. flamboyantdebauchry on
  6. The irony of protesting about ‘genocide’ on the anniversary of your own sides attacks on innocent civies.

  7. GeneralSerpent on

    Unironically, what exactly did people expect as a response to Israeli settlements?

    As Israel continued to set up illegal settlements in the West Bank & Gaza and violate private property what exactly did you expect to happen (both Canada & the US recognize those settlements as [illegal](,in%20breach%20of%20international%20declarations)) If somebody is literally stealing your home, violence is only the most logical reaction.

    Granted, Palestine by the same token shouldn’t be surprised at the retaliation by Israel in return.

    None of this is shocking or impossible to rationalize.

  8. Trick-Shallot-4324 on

    Hey no problem I totally get it, so have the got their luggage ready, passport and remember to be at the airport 90 minutes before their flight leaves. It’s so admirable of them to volunteer to fight for their country

  9. Due to the date I would say it’s a pro Hamas rally not Palestinian, as that horrible attack did no favours to the Palestinian people

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