He pledges to block Ukraine’s NATO accession for as long as he’s in office, which is until at least 2027.

Source: JesusMcTurnip


  1. JesusMcTurnip on

    Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has declared his intention to block Ukraine from joining NATO as long as he remains in office, according to a report by Politico on 6 October. This stance contrasts sharply with the position of NATO’s leadership, which aims to include Ukraine in the alliance after the end of its war with Russia.

    The admission of new countries to NATO requires unanimous agreement from all member states, as stipulated in the alliance’s 1949 founding treaty. This means that Fico’s opposition could potentially block Ukraine’s membership until at least 2027, when his current term is set to end.
    On Slovak TV, Fico stated,

    “As long as I am head of the Slovak government, I will direct the MPs that are under my control as chairman of the [ruling Smer] party never to agree to Ukraine’s joining NATO.”

    Fico’s declaration stands in opposition to the recent statement by NATO’s new Secretary-General Mark Rutte, who said on 3 October,

    “Ukraine is closer to NATO than ever before, and will continue on this path until you become a member of our alliance.”

    Since his reelection last fall, Fico has reversed Slovakia’s previous policy of providing material support to Ukraine in its war against Russian invasion. He has promised that his government will send “not another bullet” to Ukraine and has instead sought to improve relations with Moscow, aligning with the approach of Hungaria’s pro-Russian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

    On 3 October, Fico pledged to “do everything possible for the renewal of economic and standard relations with Russia.” He further emphasized this stance on 6 October by proposing to visit Moscow next May for the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe, “as long as I’m invited.”

    Pro-Russian Robert Fico won Slovakia’s parliamentary elections last fall, repeatedly promising to halt weapons supplies to Ukraine. Fico has so far stopped his country’s military support to Ukraine and opposes Ukraine’s NATO accession.

  2. Outrageous-Bad5759 on

    NATO should take action against members who do not act in accordance with the interests of the alliance.

  3. MoreSoftware2736 on

    So he should just be ruled out as beeing defended. Nato won’t lose a war without slovakia which they would not lose with.

    So fuck this putin pupped.

  4. Slovak Prime Minister Fico is a dirty traitor and an enemy of European democracy. This bastard should end up in The Hague as an accomplice to the Russian imperialist policy, which he constantly supports with his statements. And soon he will also support it by concrete action.

  5. MercatorLondon on

    Robert Fico is looking for some safe hideout when he leaves the office.
    I guess a little villa for him and his mistress next to Yanukovich villa will do.

  6. People like him make countries like Slovakia indebted to Ukraine for their stupid political decisions. They should be obligated to pay billions for all these blocks that led to more destruction and deaths in Ukraine.

  7. BlueInfinity2021 on

    It’s crazy that a country with an active military of just 19,500 and a defense budget of 2.85 billion USD can block the decisions of an alliance with an active military of 3,869,402 and a combined defense budget of 1.474 trillion USD.

  8. Well, sadly NATO membership will take a while. So whatever he promises, until 2027 will not be an issue.

  9. SVK_LiQuiDaToR on

    Dw guys, Slovakia is in the process of figuring it out. This collaborant has already been shot at once.

  10. CaptchaSolvingRobot on

    NATO should have clear and simple rules about throwing members out.

    We would be stronger with Ukraine in and Slovakia out.

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