Don’t expect the NDP to trigger a fall election, say party strategists

Source: Street_Anon


  1. Just a lose-lose scenario for the NDP unfortunately for them. Triggering an election just makes no sense strategically, they’d be guaranteed handing the full reigns of power over to a party that’s ideologically opposed to them whose leader has done nothing but shit talk them for months. The alternative, tying yourself to the unpopular incumbents, does also suck, but at least this way they temporarily maintain a modicum of power and give things some time to turn around poll-wise, however unlikely that is.

  2. NDP has done more under Singh with this government than it ever did under Layton, that’s just a fact. All the Layton lovers conveniently forget he never held power and never had time to lose all that political good will. He gains nothing from triggering an election.

    I could see it maybe if they creep up in the polls, but he needs the year to redirect the party, and hopefully pull the NDP back to its labour and socialism roots. That’s the only way I see them being competitive in an election and maybe leaving the conservatives with a minority, or a real coalition with the Liberals.

  3. Think the Bloc & NDP will keep playing chicken with The Liberals as long as they possibly can/as long as they feel they still have an ability to influence federal policy. The deadline will probably be the April budget, meaning that they can’t reach a deal with the government then, that will probably be the point that we’ll know if we’re going to get an early election or not.

    I don’t think they want an election yet, but they want to give Trudeau the impression that they’re on the verge of forcing one if their demands aren’t met.

  4. Justin_123456 on

    Why the rush?

    The party’s polling is just picking up, it seems like the Liberals haven’t hit their floor yet, the Provincial sections of the party in Saskatchewan and BC are in the middle of hard fought elections to defend and take government, and fundraising can only improve with more time.

    This is aside from the Pharamcare and Dentalcare rollouts, which the party wants to see develop.

    It could be April if the Liberals want to pick a fight by tacking right in the budget. It could be July, if they want to wait for the teachers to be available for canvassing. Or just wait out the end the end of the Parliament in the Fall.

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