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AlertThinker on
Unfortunately, the red areas that were hit hardest by Helene will believe this douche bag, despite seeing FEMA and other federal agencies on the ground helping them recover.
Ban-Circumcision-Now on
If Biden had been like Trump he would have fought to minimize aid to these red voting areas, s as Trump tried to do to blue voting areas in California
CurrentlyLucid on
trump is doing what dictators do, rule by fear.
Master_Shoulder_9657 on
All Trump does is lie
Daxnu on
People are in pain, and as usual, all he cares about is himself. Has there ever been a bigger monster?
ciopobbi on
Dangerous person spreading lies that can hurt others only for his own benefit. Sick, sick, pathetic excuse for a human being.
GlumEngineering9465 on
Maybe I am projecting what I think should happen, but I live near the affected areas and anecdotally getting the impression that this rhetoric is a bridge too far for some traditionally Trump supporters.
Simmery on
I’ll complain about when CNN puts up relatively minor criticism of Harris as some major headline. But, to their credit, they’ve put in a lot of work to tell people about all the Trump bullshit.
OpenImagination9 on
The GOP is the party of no truth.
eezyE4free on
Glad to see the actual word ‘lies’ being used in more and more headlines. And without Crumpy throwing a lawsuit.
finnster1 on
To quote the master befuddler, Steve Bannon; “This is not about persuasion: This is about disorientation.”
Ejziponken on
Let’s do it the republican way. Send them our prayers. Like they do after every school shooting.
cone10 on
I am furious, just furious at Biden and Harris and FEMA. I saw this coming a mile away, and kept waiting for a fiery response … all Biden does is go on the View and calls him a Loser. I wish they’d sue Trump for the equivalent of yelling “Fire”, or more like “No firemen are going to come to your rescue, because the theater owners didn’t call them”. Even if this case is lost, they need to be muzzled. I am frothing about why this shitstain is allowed to go from blatant and dangerous lie to the next, and we are all like, “it doesn’t matter, Vote”. No, the response has to be strong. Make use of some of that fucking presidential immunity.
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Unfortunately, the red areas that were hit hardest by Helene will believe this douche bag, despite seeing FEMA and other federal agencies on the ground helping them recover.
If Biden had been like Trump he would have fought to minimize aid to these red voting areas, s as Trump tried to do to blue voting areas in California
trump is doing what dictators do, rule by fear.
All Trump does is lie
People are in pain, and as usual, all he cares about is himself. Has there ever been a bigger monster?
Dangerous person spreading lies that can hurt others only for his own benefit. Sick, sick, pathetic excuse for a human being.
Maybe I am projecting what I think should happen, but I live near the affected areas and anecdotally getting the impression that this rhetoric is a bridge too far for some traditionally Trump supporters.
I’ll complain about when CNN puts up relatively minor criticism of Harris as some major headline. But, to their credit, they’ve put in a lot of work to tell people about all the Trump bullshit.
The GOP is the party of no truth.
Glad to see the actual word ‘lies’ being used in more and more headlines. And without Crumpy throwing a lawsuit.
To quote the master befuddler, Steve Bannon; “This is not about persuasion: This is about disorientation.”
Let’s do it the republican way. Send them our prayers. Like they do after every school shooting.
I am furious, just furious at Biden and Harris and FEMA. I saw this coming a mile away, and kept waiting for a fiery response … all Biden does is go on the View and calls him a Loser. I wish they’d sue Trump for the equivalent of yelling “Fire”, or more like “No firemen are going to come to your rescue, because the theater owners didn’t call them”. Even if this case is lost, they need to be muzzled. I am frothing about why this shitstain is allowed to go from blatant and dangerous lie to the next, and we are all like, “it doesn’t matter, Vote”. No, the response has to be strong. Make use of some of that fucking presidential immunity.