Russian peasants are worn-out folks with emaciated faces, uncombed hair dressed in zipuns full of holes and lapti; Ukrainians are tall, healthy, strong, and dressed in clean, new clothes, – Ivan Bunin in 1898

Source: HydrolicKrane


  1. chipstastegood on

    Sure this is not a difference between poverty and better-off families? Historic records like this might be guilty of prejudice.

  2. I’m 100% with Ukraine, but if this statement is not plain and simple racism, then what is?

    I understand how you feel about Russia and Russians, but this is not the way.

  3. Wtf website is that? No contact or about info just repeated menu items.

    Edit to clarify:
    I’m always suspect of poorly fleshed out websites. Regardless from which side of whom the website at that moment seems to be in support of – too many times these kinds of websites reveal their true colours once they’ve established themselves as “legitimate” start posting dis/mis information.

  4. Duyfkenthefirst on

    What is even the point of this post?

    30 years later, Ukraine was the victim of Stalin’s famine which killed up to 1M. I am sure starving humans have no energy to brush their hair. Russians or Ukrainians – still need food and water, blood is still red.

  5. MatchingTurret on

    There are similar photos from that time showing settlers in the American west. Or a few decades later from the Great Depression.

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