come to Australia, leave your sh!t at the airport

Source: no_ingenuity_2027


  1. What is their opinion on what should happen to the everyday Jewish people living in their homes?

  2. Rich_niente4396 on

    You aren’t allowed to say that if you have such strong feelings, get on a plane and go over to Palestine to support them

  3. Great_Revolution_276 on

    The right to protest is one of the things that makes Australia a great place to live. It allows people to point out what they believe is injustice. Regardless of whether you agree with them or not, I will defend their right to do this till my dying day.

  4. Beast_of_Guanyin on

    Part of being Australia is being allowed to protest whatever you want. That’s democracy.

    I disagree with them. Highly. I think protesting Israel’s actions against Hezbollah is very close to protesting Israel’s right to defend itself and exist. However they’re welcome to protest.

  5. I love how they can throw stones, and then cry when stones are thrown back with accuracy. Iran will be next, they attempted and failed. Idf will be compiling a list of locations already. Then we will have to sit through more of this crap. Maybe if the citizens threw Hezboloh out this shit wouldn’t occur. Same for hamas. Idiots playing idiot games always lose in the end. Seriously go to the beach and enjoy the day instead of making us watch this shit on the news.

  6. we must assimilate, assimilate, assimilate

    we must assimilate, assimilate, assimilate

    and shed our immigrant past,

    shed our immigrant past, shed our immigrant past

    as far as anybody knows, we are little dutch boys!

  7. To be frank your a POS to be protesting *against* Israel on the anniversary of their darkest day since the 1900s, doesn’t matter what’s happened since it’s disrespectful to those kidnapped, maimed and killed, imagine if we protested in favour of Al Qaeda a year after 9/11, how would we be looked at?

    Protest all you like I can’t stop you and it’s your right but be a reasonable and respectful human being whilst your at it

  8. Redpenguin082 on

    The moral of the story is not to start wars that you know you can’t win. This applies to Hamas, the Palestinians and most recently, Hezbollah.

  9. DBPhotographer on

    FYI, a lot of us are Australian born. Piss off with you my way oe the highway crap.

  10. Top_Tumbleweed on

    I’m sure many of them are there because of all of the civilian deaths, which is fair.

    None of them will ever acknowledge that Hamas and Hezbollah have shot over 9000 rockets into Israel in the last year, let alone over the last decade. The IDF may be overstepping now but these protesters love to ignore internationally condemned terrorist organisations using civilians as meat shields

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