Trump ‘asked Putin for advice’ about whether the US should help arm Ukraine

Source: IconModenna


  1. Eatthehamsters69 on

    He truly is the village idiot, isn’t he?

    And conservatives are out there believing he is some “strong guy” who is tough and highly respected on the global stage, as oppose to a fool that gets outmanouvered and played into gifting influence away while the US gains nothing.

    Whats the next revelation? That he asked Xi about his opinion on TPP? Because pulling out of that was also incredibly dumb just strenghtened China instead, or the unecessary pullout of the Iran nuclear deal that they were abiding by and that again led to fucking nothing.

  2. Don?! Dude sucks at poker. Bankrupts casinos and can’t play his own hand of cards. “I’ve got A king, a Jack, a Deuce, Joker and an Uno Draw 3 cards, what should I do?”

  3. Negative_Gravitas on

    And his cult will completely dismiss this. Even if they believe it, they simply won’t care.

    Which is just incredibly fucked up.

    We really need to stop these people this time. Vote, volunteer, donate.

  4. >When Trump met with Zelensky in New York last month, he used the opportunity to declare his support for the Ukrainian and Putin as he once again claimed that he will end the war. .

    You can’t support both Ukraine and Putin. Harris was a little late saying that Putin would eat him for lunch. He’s already been eaten and is now being digested.

  5. LurksAroundHere on

    Putin was definitely looking at him like you are one big fucking moron aren’t you? 

  6. GoddamnPeaceLily on

    Everybody here calling him “stupid”

    When this is literally aiding an enemy during wartime.

  7. People in Reddit have a complete lack of understanding how geopolitics and diplomacy work. Uber Bush Russia invaded Georgia, under Obama Russia invaded Crimea, under Biden Russia invaded Ukraine. He’s the only President who secured peace and stability in the world.

  8. RoutinePlastic8094 on

    Today I decided I’m just gonna enjoy this last month of sanity, I have a bad bad feeling this country is gonna elect this pig again and it’s gonna be a long long time before life is ever normal again

  9. People in the Europe sub have been talking about how the EU needs to be ready to abandon the US as a reliable ally should Trump get reelected. They may not be wrong.

  10. Baller-on_a-budget on

    The G-7 is laughing at the u.s. right now. Fucking clown shoes a coin flip away from getting into office, AGAIN!!

  11. Might as well ask Kim Jong Un if he should have US troops leave SK while he’s at it.

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