How Biden helped end a port strike that threatened Democrats in November

Source: greenielove


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  2. AngusMcTibbins on

    My man Joe literally rolled up and said *Give these hardworking folks a 60% raise*. And it happened. That’s the power of a pro-union president

  3. Flat-Activity1124 on

    Didn’t Trump say something like that?

    You get them in a room and not let them leave until there is a deal? I thought only Trump could do that?

  4. God damn, 60% raise?? Get Biden a nursing raise like that and they’ll deliver a 50 state landslide (mostly kidding but still, damn)

  5. What?

    Bruh Joe stopped a strike that threatened to cost All Americans money

    Why is everything assumed partisan politics

  6. Ecstatic_Tip_9290 on

    There’s not much time to REGISTER to VOTE; go check your registration status now before it’s too late.

  7. Good article worth reading but here’s some tidbits.

    > Last year, he became the first president to join a picket line, speaking to striking United Auto Workers members.
    > Biden had been tracking the strike since September and directed his team after a Sept. 26 meeting to tell both sides to negotiate in good faith. Brainard, Su and Buttigieg began working with the parties involved, with Brainard liaising with management and Su in closer touch with the union, said one of the people familiar with the matter.
    > The Wednesday before the deadline, the alliance filed a federal charge against the union with the National Labor Relations Board, accusing the longshoremen of failing to bargain in good faith and seeking an order that they come back to the table. It was an unusual tactic for an employer in a labor dispute; it is more common for unions to accuse managers of acting in bad faith.
    > That Friday, Sept. 27, the president’s aides met with USMX board members at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building next to the White House and stressed the need for them to provide a fair deal to dockworkers, one person familiar with the matter said. Brainard made clear to the board members that the president would not be using Taft-Hartley to end the strike, the person said. Biden was briefed later that day on the lack of progress, and Zients began convening Brainard, Su and Buttigieg multiple times a day to keep tabs on the strike.
    > Ships almost immediately began piling up offshore. The queue would grow to include 59 container vessels by Thursday, according to data firm Everstream Analytics, stranding hundreds of thousands of containers.
    > Biden doubled down on putting pressure on the shipping firms over the following days. The White House repeatedly hammered shipping profits since the pandemic. On Wednesday, Biden tried increasing the pressure by saying publicly that failure to reach a deal could exacerbate the impact of the hurricane.
    > “To get in one raise what it took you in the past six years to achieve is monumental,” Riley said. “The administration played a key role here in bringing the parties together and defending American workers and the union workers against foreign giants.”

  8. RealPersonResponds on

    Ah yes, not that it was good for the workers or the country, just for Democrats. Media garbage.

  9. That strike was pure overreach led by a mobbed up Trump sycophant and Joltin’ Joe’s administration got on the phones and shut it the fuck down!

  10. Biden isn’t pro-union.

    Biden is pro-capitalism. He crushed a rail strike and forced them back to work.

    I will never forget that.

  11. The head of the union is a trump supporter and some union members are trump supporters! It’s un fathomable that they support someone that doesn’t believe in fair wages, overtime pay,ANTIUNION and doesn’t pay his workers especially contractors that built his buildings. But it goes to show you that you can’t fix stupid. BUT on the other hand you have BIDEN that is pro union I’m not sure about Harris’ view on unions but I’m sure it’s along the same lines as Biden’s.

  12. harley97797997 on

    Biden didn’t do anything. Pete Buttigeug, Julie Su, and Bethann Rooney helped mediate a temporary settlement. Which was just to extend negotiations until January 15th.

    The only thing Biden did was make a statement and get updates on the strike.

  13. Kind-City-2173 on

    I’m all for higher wages but then people either have to expect: 1. Lower company profits, 2. Tightening their budgets elsewhere, perhaps less hours or fewer workers, 3. Higher prices

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