‘A scab’: UAW President says Trump ‘doesn’t give a damn about working class people’

Source: plz-let-me-in


  1. plz-let-me-in on

    Shawn Fain is 100% correct, and this shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. Making the rich richer at the expense of the working class is precisely the goal of the Republican Party. For as long as I can remember, Republicans have represented the interests of the ultra-wealthy and corporations. It’s really depressing that so many working-class voters have been deceived into thinking that Trump and the GOP somehow have their best interests in mind.

  2. Trump basically admitted as much:

    >Well, you, you’re the greatest cutter. I mean, I look at what you do. You walk in and you just say, “you want to quit?” They go on strike. I won’t mention the name of the company, but they go on strike and you say, “That’s okay. You’re all gone. You’re all gone”. So “every one of you is gone” and you are the greatest.

    >– Donald Trump, Aug 12, 2024

    As well as:

    >“I know a lot about overtime. I hated to give overtime. I hated it. I’d get other people, I shouldn’t say this, but I’d get other people in. I wouldn’t pay.”

    >– Donald Trump, Sept. 30, 2024

    [UAW Files Federal Labor Charges Against Donald Trump and Elon Musk for Attempting to Intimidate and Threaten Workers](https://uaw.org/uaw-files-federal-labor-charges-against-donald-trump-and-elon-musk-for-attempting-to-intimidate-and-threaten-workers/)

  3. Ecstatic_Tip_9290 on

    VOTE so that the scab doesn’t leave a scar on world history. REGISTER now so you don’t forget as the deadline is drawing closer.

  4. VisualLawfulness5378 on

    So im trying to figure out why three houses in my neighborhood are flying trump flags? Is it the immigration thing? I had a religious co worker that liked him because of
    the abortion thing. And i think im being ignored by family members now because at a recent family event i said trump is a fucking asshole. 🙄 and i gave examples of his assholery.

  5. He doesn’t care about anyone who isn’t useful to him. Once you’ve outgrown your usefulness for him, he’ll throw you away.

  6. Thewallmachine on

    Look, a union leader with integrity and values. This is what I want to see. A union strong American is a strong nation for all of us.

  7. >”He was president — he didn’t do anything to bring jobs back,” says Fain. “He doesn’t give a damn about the working class — never has and never will.”

    Thanks Shawn.

  8. Ok, I’m glad we’ve resurrected “Scab” as an insult… but Trump isn’t a scab, he’s worse: he’s management.

  9. UAW president Shawn Fain knows that Trump failed Labor. If Trump wins, Project 2025 will be carried out. Unions will be screwed.

    Media Matters – [Project 2025’s extreme anti-labor agenda is an attack on unions and the entire working class](https://www.mediamatters.org/project-2025/project-2025s-extreme-anti-labor-agenda-attack-unions-and-entire-working-class)

    Labor Tribune – [Project 2025 spells bad news for Labor in a second Trump term](https://labortribune.com/opinion-project-2025-spells-bad-news-for-labor-in-a-second-trump-term/)

  10. I don’t think Trumps give a damn about anyone, and I’m including his wife and kids in that.

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