JD Vance claimed Democrats are censoring the internet. He’s lying.

Source: Quirkie


  1. Can I ask the Dems in charge of censorship to put a mosaic over Trump’s asshole-lips? It is scarring my eyes

  2. These are the people who are remaining completely silent as Elon Musk overtly does the very thing they’re accusing their opposition of doing.

  3. This man is incapable of one truthful statement. Which is why I think we should all push couchgate.

  4. Projection. I’ve noticed after each of the elon musk big obvious lies that vance/maga come behind him to project his outright lies toward democrats. Wild to see the entire xitter/musk fiction app devoted entirely to the orange diaper cult. Who is left on x?

  5. damnyoutuesday on

    You mean how like Republicans are blocking porn websites? Or how Elon Musk censors critics and democrats on X?

  6. Just figure that anything these numbnuts say the Democrats are doing is something they WOULD DEFINATELY BE DOING THEMSELVES GIVEN THE CHANCE! Don’t give it to them.

  7. BannedAgainDude on

    I’m tired of hearing about how they’re censored. Now explain how the fuck I’m tired of hearing those who are censored?


    I only wish they had a mute button.

  8. Textbook projection.

    Go into a republican site, won’t matter if that oppose democrats. If you do not fully align with the site, a single post is all it takes to see yourself become censored.

  9. God, can you imagine if Democrats were actually a fraction as powerful as these asshats try to claim we are?

  10. Democrats DO hate liars, and that’s a real problem for Republicans, because that’s all they got

  11. Fake Eric lies. He’s a liar.
    I will never figure out why Republicans put up with this bs. Take your party back! Let The Orange and Fake Eric have the bmw (bitch, moan &whine) party instead.

  12. Squirrel_Chucks on

    JD’s boss literally runs a website where people are censored and banned for disagreeing with him.

  13. Blablablaballs on

    The only people calling for censorship are MAGA ass hats and their hunchback cult leader. 

  14. Javasndphotoclicks on

    This is coping from an ass clown who couldn’t admit that his running mate lost the election.

  15. readyforadirtnap on

    In all honesty, it probably does need to be censored. Some people are too stupid to decide what’s real and what’s not….

  16. Let me tell you, between censoring the internet, controlling the weather, finding jobs for millions of illegal aliens, and helping keep the Jewish Space Laser in a stable orbit, it is getting mighty exhausting being a Democrat.

  17. Separate-Feedback-86 on

    Who are these all powerful Democrats that are controlling the weather and are “censoring” the Internet? Where are they? Awfully busy people. Poor, poor republicans. Never get to do anything. Crazy f’ers.

  18. Stop platforming each lie by reporting on it. It is safe to just assume he is lying through his teeth

  19. The first everyone should be asking him: “How? How are ‘they’ censoring ‘the internet’?”

  20. [More than 1,600 books banned in Escambia County, Florida](https://pen.org/escambia-county-florida-banned-books-list/)

    The book banning is a phenomenon began by MAGA zealots. The article contains a substantial list of banned books which includes significant American authors such as Maya Angelou and John Steinbeck and many others. Censorship. The GOP opposes ideals which inspired the Declaration of Independence and promotes oppression. We must protect our freedom of expression, freedom of thought, freedom from tyranny. This is the most important election of my life. The choice is clear, Kamala will fight for those ideals the other won’t.

  21. Not only does the republican party practice censorship…MAGA came out censoring Vance hard when he was announced as Trump’s running mate.

  22. They’re all lying, it’s all the Republicans have, the only thing that comes out of their mouths is lies, take away their lies and they have absolutely nothing to bring to the table. The main stream media let’s off the hook every time, now finally there is a crack in the dam, hopefully the dam breaks, and they get exposed for what they really are, a criminal organization, not a political party.

  23. Why do people think that a private company with a private forum choosing what information is displayed on said forum is akin to censorship? – Anyone is welcome in this country to walk out onto the sidewalk and say whatever they want. As long as that exists as an option you can’t be censored. If someone comes and puts you in their van takes you away and physically prevents you from opening your mouth, then you can probably confidently say you have you been censored. Nobody is required to help you speak.

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