England urged to bring in minimum unit price on alcohol as deaths rise 10% a year

Source: JayR_97


  1. Minimum unit pricing doesn’t stop the hardcore alcoholics. They’ll just keep buying it even though it’s more expensive and resort to more desperate measures to get their next fix (theft, dodgy homebrews ect ..)

  2. denyer-no1-fan on

    >A report by the Lancet last year found minimum unit pricing in Scotland was associated with a 13.4% reduction in deaths wholly attributable to alcohol consumption. Public Health Scotland said there was no clear evidence of substantial negative impacts on the alcoholic drinks industry.

    If it works in Scotland, seems sensible to introduce it in England. Reducing alcohol harm is good for everyone.

  3. JudasPreist1999 on

    it doesn’t work and its based on a complete lie, that this would only affect hard drinkers and not everyone, it does affect everyone , and its regressive

  4. CurtisInCamden on

    The price disparity between supermarkets and pubs has gotten ridiculous and so hopefully this might reverse the decline of the pub/hospitality industry. Prices in pubs/bars/restaurants have at least doubled (even tripled sometimes) over the past 20 years, but at my local big-name supermarket I can buy a 4 pack of own-brand beer for under £3, slightly cheaper than 20 years ago (vastly cheaper after inflation).

  5. Why should normal people be forced to pay higher prices just because of a minority who can’t control themselves?

  6. Worldly_Table_5092 on

    500% tax chocolate, 500% tax cigs, 500% tax booze. Maximum health. 0 fun allowed.

  7. Maybe it’s not the alcohol but what has pushed 10% more to drink it to excess. Like government induced austerity, cutting public services, and cost of living crysis, probably 100s of examples why more people are trying to numb the pain.

  8. humblevessell on

    Alcohol is already way more expensive here than in France, Germany and many other countries this is ridiculous.

  9. Nanny state. The fraction of a percent of people have no control over themselves and it impacts the rest of us. Europeans have beers stronger than ours at a cheaper price.

  10. SharpEssay5991 on

    If raising the price of alcohol worked, it would’ve worked in Turkey. People who can afford it will continue to buy and drink and people who can’t afford turn to cheaper and more harmful drugs.

  11. Trust me, price doesn’t do anything unless you made it £100 a bottle. Alcoholics will spend all the money they have if they can afford it, it’s the same with any addiction, price does not factor into their reasoning for purchasing it.

    Alcohol is super expensive in Finland due to taxes and they still have a big alcohol problem.

  12. Ok-Importance-6815 on

    if you raise the price of alcohol people will just stop buying their kids vegetables

  13. TouristPuzzled2169 on

    We drink ourselves to death because its so very very shit to live here NOT because booze is too cheap.

  14. Dry_Sandwich_860 on

    Brits love to ruin their health and live in misery. I’ll never understand it. The determination of people to ruin their lungs and breathe in God know what poison from poorly regulated vapes is another looming disaster. I just walked to the supermarket, 30 minutes away, and there wasn’t even one part of the route that was free of the stench of vape smoke.

    What’s so telling about this news is that drinking alcohol is declining among young people. It’s out of fashion. Also, the sums just don’t add up already as far as being able to afford enough alcohol to have a problem and pay rent. These people must be going without food and clothing.

  15. Don’t put a minimum price as that only benefits the seller, put more tax on it so that the extra money is taken as tax rather than profit for the few.

  16. Thebritishdovah on

    If someone wants to get pissed, they will get pissed. I knew an alcoholic who could barely walk and would beg taxi drivers to get him booze from the local shop.

    Price won’t deter them. It does punish everyone else. I rarely drink and paying a minimum based on units would likely make it too dam expensive to get wankered once a month at a wrestling show. It’s the one thing I look forward to and getting wankered is a side effect of having a good time.

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