Extinction Rebellion takes action against KLM Royal Dutch Airlines | With Frequent Flyer programs, KLM promotes and rewards extreme polluting behavior

Source: crustose_lichen


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    Extinction Rebellion takes action against KLM behind customs Schiphol


    Extinction Rebellion (XR) is taking action again today at Schiphol against KLM’s Frequent Flyer program. This time, the activists managed to get behind the passport control outside the Schengen zone. The message to KLM is clear: stop promoting extreme flying behavior in the midst of the climate crisis!

    About 70 rebels have been blocking the entrance to the Frequent Flyer lounge at Schiphol in a peaceful protest since 11:00 a.m. this morning after they marched from lounge 2 via Holland Boulevard towards the entrance of the lounge. Some of them have chained themselves, including to luggage carts. The XR orchestra and the Red Rebels are there and activists also distribute flyers to passengers and aviation personnel. The activists refuse to leave until their demand is granted.

    Unacceptable stimulus for polluting behavior:

    With Frequent Flyer programs, KLM promotes and rewards making an extremely high number of air travel. In addition, unnecessary travel is encouraged to achieve or maintain membership status and the associated privileges. This while science shows crystal clear: a drastic view of mobility is necessary for a livable earth. Spokesperson Simone Wiegman: “While the climate crisis is escalating and people all over the world are doing their utmost to keep the planet livable, KLM continues to stimulate, normalize and reward extremely polluting behavior with free flights and other extras with the Flying Blue savings program. We call on KLM to take responsibility in the global climate crisis. We will continue to take action until KLM stops Flying Blue.”

    Perverse stimulus:

    KLM claims to be able to make it more sustainable with technological innovations. However, new, slightly more economical aircraft and a ming of so-called more sustainable aircraft fuel are far from sufficient. Research shows that KLM’s CO2 emissions will not decrease by 12 percent by 2030, as KLM itself claims, but will increase by 6 percent. And that while according to the EU, 55 percent reduction is necessary to meet the climate goals. The world upside down!

    A past year in the House of Representatives discussed ‘Factsheet future sustainability of aviation’ also shows that technological innovations alone cannot solve climate problems. Shrinkage of the aviation sector is required. Salient detail is that only 1% of the world’s population causes 50% of CO2 emissions from commercial aviation. Wiegman: ‘A first, logical step to reduce aviation CO2 emissions is to immediately stop the Frequent Flyer program and the perverse incentive that comes from it.’

    XR raises actions against KLM:

    Today’s action is not XR’s first action against KLM’s Frequent Flyer program. In May and July there were also blockades of Frequent Flyer lounges at Schiphol. Opinion pieces also appeared in Trouw and het Parool. In addition, XR took action last September at an event for ‘Elite for Life’ Platinum members of Flying Blue, an exclusive party in the Rijksmuseum where KLM rewarded these elite members for their excessive air travel. However, it is cynical that someone has to emit at least 383 tons of CO2 with flying to achieve this frequent flight status. This is 166 times the complete annual CO2 budget of one person to stay within the goals of Paris.

    However, the real price of flying is not paid by the frequent flyers, but by the people who experience the consequences of the climate crisis worldwide, now and in the future. In the coming period, XR will therefore continue to focus attention on the immoral Flying Blue, including with ‘frequent flyers’, until KLM stops the Frequent Flyer program.

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