Biden says he’s concerned 2024 election won’t be ‘peaceful’ after Trump, Vance comments

Source: lemurboobs


  1. abbyrartistry on

    Biden’s right to be worried; the rhetoric around the election is pretty intense and could lead to some serious chaos if things don’t go the way some expect.

  2. Huckleberry-V on

    I’d be amazed if it was. But this time the buildings will be better prepared and the politicians protected, I’m sure.

  3. I_like_baseball90 on

    Ya think so?

    Every single MAGA thing that doesn’t go there way right now is met with violence. Of course the idiots will be violent when Trump loses.

    F their feelings.

  4. depressoespresso8 on

    This isn’t surprising – everyone should be concerned. January 6th wasn’t some random event.

  5. Time to start considering some legislation or performing some official acts to prevent a hostile takeover-over. It would be wise to start building up some protective presence (military or police).

  6. TacoGameKnight on

    I hope that if Trump loses, the media will ignore as much of Trump’s inevitable tantrum as possible. Giving him a platform will only increase the likelihood of another January 6th situation.

  7. Hey they did the headline right! Congrats, not everyone can craft an informative headline apparently.

    I think it’s a concern but unlike 2020 the number of openly-maga people around here is seriously down. I’m not saying Republicans aren’t going to vote Republican, but his hard core supporters are either mostly going incognito or the enthusiasm is just gone.

    There’s the occasional nut job here or there around town that openly worship the cult of Trump but it’s nothing like 4 years ago. No signs, no idiot in his giant truck waving Trump banners. They’re not fired up like before.

  8. alien_from_Europa on

    States have already attempted to harm elections, particularly in Georgia. It’s kind of a no-brainer that this will be a fight even if Harris wins on election day.

    Please vote, people! Don’t just boo in the sub.

  9. Gee, ya think??

    I hope they’re putting some serious plans and legal strategies in place to fight off these undemocratic gangsters.

  10. Wine_Women_Song on

    It is ASSURED Trump and his goons won’t go away without a fight. There is no reason to pretend otherwise.

  11. Why would you expect a peaceful transition of power when last time he lost Trump tried to have a lynch mob murder the entire legislative branch up to and including his own VP and faced **zero consequences **?

  12. Mostly concerned about MAGA militias camping out at polling sites trying to scare people. Local police need to do their job and protect the democratic process.

  13. ConsiderationWild833 on

    I’m glad Biden has immunity and pardon powers… F around and find out? I hope not. But sometimes you have to use big stick.

  14. Business_Network_703 on

    Everyone says it’s close. Not this time. Landslide for Harris. Make sure you vote.

  15. Guilty-Shoulder-9214 on

    Just remember Biden, scotus said official acts have immunity. If Trump and Vance lose and try to start a coup, you have the right to order their executions and/or their deportations to Guantanamo in the name of national security.

  16. >debate those issues peacefully in the public square

    Until now we’ve had a peaceful transfer of power from one newly elected President to another through out our history. Even during the Civil War we still had an election. Yet now with this Republican Party, elections are not the end of the electoral process, they’re merely the start of the “debate”.

  17. ImmediatelyOrSooner on

    If only we had laws and law enforcement to defend the US from domestic terrorism. It’s not like the terrorists are hiding.

  18. Yes, scary, but the subtext is that the man with all the resources to know thinks Kamala is going to win. Ya know…as long as well vote!

  19. It looks like the sitting president views these terrorists as a clear and present danger. Maybe he should do something about that.

  20. The cult is 100% stupid enough to pull another Jan 6 reunion. The only difference is that they will all be arrested on site by the National Guard and other services if they think they’re plowing through the Capitol again. The only reason those clowns got as far as they did is because Dictator in Chief refuses to call forces. Biden will have no issue arresting terrorists. All of us with rural roots with definitely see the Facebook posts coming by the end of November – that’s how stupid they are, they all literally were posting their plans months in advance online in 2020!

    You wanna sit on the lawn and quietly chant about how upset you are about losing? Fine. You want to jump up screaming, punching, and threatening your way to Nancy Pelosi’s office? Get ready for prison.

  21. AdminIsPassword on

    Biden could make securing our elections an official order…and really abuse that.

    He won’t though. He still believes in our government.

    I hate how only good guys are expected to act in good faith.

  22. I’m sure the Magans have things planned for election days in blue areas such as calling in bomb threats to polling places. Vote in the early days before election day. That way your votes will be there to be counted on election day. Use mail-in voting only if absolutely necessary. Mail can be lost and Republican DeJoy is the head of the postal system.

  23. InsomniaticWanderer on

    I mean, MAGA has told us it won’t be.

    Y’all just need to fucking listen.

  24. bramletabercrombe on

    it’s unfortunate he’s not a President of the United States that was just granted unlimited power from the Supreme court to do ANY FUCKING THING HE WANTED as long as he declared it an official act.

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