Ukraine Now Using Dragon Drones To Burn Russian Bunkers, Tanks. Initially used to attack Russians hiding in treelines and trenches, Ukraine’s thermite-spewing Dragon drones are taking on new targets.

Source: RoninSolutions


  1. You see Russia? This is why you don’t fuck with Ukraine.

    Everyone else is smart enough not to fuck with Ukraine, what’s your excuse?

  2. His-Mightiness on

    Ukraine is raining down the fire of freedom upon the Russians, the fire that burns inside every Ukrainian and every Ukrainian supporter. The same fire that burns on in the torch of the statue of liberty.

    Keep fighting, keep raining down the fire of freedom and liberty upon the Russians, keep the fire burning, keep it burning until it burns down the Russian was machine and brings freedom and liberty to the people who have been suppressed under Russian control.

  3. coffeespeaking on

    These would work really well on oil refineries and tank farms. ‘Thermite and Russian oil, better together.’ (Make sure to hit all the rail, too, so they can’t offload.)

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