Harris’ campaign plans to ramp up its negative messaging against Trump

Source: nbcnews


  1. Good. Trump is a horrible person and has terrible plans for the people of the United States.

  2. Very_Nice_Zombie on

    I mean you have 8 years of utter shit to post in the commercials.

    you don’t even have to have a narrator.

    Just show it.

    The fact millions of American think this orange turd is their savior makes me literally embarrassed to be American, I shit you not.

  3. JubalHarshaw23 on

    Media intends to ramp up it’s campaign to cast Democrats as Bad Guys for finally growing spines and fighting fire with fire. Let the pearl clutching begin.

  4. Trump’s followers are easily triggered by hate and fear. There is plenty to fear in Trump. Use those things against him.

  5. che-che-chester on

    I’d hammer him the last two weeks on age and mental/emotional instability. If you’re truly undecided, that alone should rule out Trump.

  6. Good. Make a printout /flyer of all of his crimes and then also all of his failures. Better yet make a binder.

  7. Is there any positive messaging that can happen on Trump? Seriously.

    “Donald Trump. He’s not in a room with you right now.”

    That’s about as much as you can do.

  8. I liked her positive message of “when we fight we win”; she’s got a lot of positive messages and vibes.

  9. Downtown-rose on

    this is probably a decision after many people thought Tim Walz was being too nice to Vance. Kamala herself does well in this role as she did in her debate. Tim can stay the nice guy. His favorable ratings went up after the debate regardless of who “won”

  10. SuperGenius9800 on

    Just saw one of these commercials. It had a pic of Trump at an Epstein pedo party.

  11. PlentyMacaroon8903 on

    Finally. Don’t fall for the when they go low we go high bullshit. Trump and Vance et al, go out and lie and attack and destroy things with zero consequence. It’s time to fight a little bit.

  12. ennuiinmotion on

    I just read an article today saying how Harris was avoiding Clinton’s mistakes by largely staying positive in swing states.

    His threat should be made clear but the general tone needs to stay positive about her, I think.

  13. anomalocaris_texmex on

    Going hard on Trump is a good idea, though I hope they do it right. Cast him as a ridiculous buffoon, not a serious threat.

    Superimpose attack ads over pictures of his weird centaur walk. Talk about his Russian connections over footage of his weird flag humping. Emphasize that his coup effort failed because Rudy sent texts to the wrong numbers, superimposed over Rudy leaking oil over his face.

    Make sure voters don’t feel that they are being transgressive or “pwning da libz” when they vote for him. Make sure that anyone anyone thinks of Trump, there are thinking what a ridiculous tub of McDonald’s and self tanner he is.

  14. Is it negative advertising to just report what he says and does? Sometimes I feel like the current news media has gone absolutely insane. 

  15. SwordfishOwn3671 on

    Good, go after him hard! No mercy, no jabs, just straight up TKO the mother fucker with the mountains of ammunition he’s given us.

  16. Negative messaging? They’re just playing video of shit he’s said and done. That dumbass does the work for them.

  17. SuperstitiousPigeon5 on

    It seems a little early, but really just putting quotes of things he’s said could be seen as negative.

  18. I had such a vivid dream today. I dreamed that I was walking alongside Obama and another person who he was talking to, advising, mentoring. I just kept quiet waiting for my turn. Finally that person left. And Obama looked at me. I just went and gave him a hug. And without saying anything I broke down crying, while still hugging him. I felt like I was hugging my own father or my own mother. Exhausted. In between the tears, I mutter “I am terrified!”.

    Obama just says, “We will be okay!”

    With just those words, I felt a relief like no other. It was as if, I was able to release all the angst, frustration, anger, rage that had been accumulations ever since that Orange turd came down that golden escalator.

    I woke up very emotional, but with a renewed sense of positivity.

    I hope this dream was a sign of a Democratic Victory in Nov.

  19. I think this is good. Some voters need to be reminded of how awful of a person Trump is, as strange as that sounds. The reason people would need to be reminded of this is that conservative media keeps talking about the Trump presidency like it was this wonderful golden age where nothing bad happened. And it’s been a few years since Trump was president and some people have short memories.

    Trump is unhinged and he creates chaos all the time. Voters need to be reminded of that. He presents himself as a strong leader who will solve problems, but in reality, he’s just a tornado of chaos that causes destruction wherever he goes. He’s racist, sexist, and just a wildly vitriolic, hateful person in general. And he constantly lies and manipulates people. Voters need to ask themselves: Is this really the person who should be in one of the most powerful positions in the world?

    >The campaign specifically cited internal research demonstrating that “showing that Trump is unstable in contrast to Harris” is “the most effective message for target voters” they are trying to reach and persuade in the closing stretch. 

    Oh good. The Harris campaign will have plenty of material to show voters to prove that Trump is unstable!

  20. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/harris-campaign-plans-ramp-negative-messaging-trump-rcna174039) reduced by 86%. (I’m a bot)
    > The change is driven, in part, by internal campaign data showing that sharper messaging against Trump could persuade some still-unsure Americans to support Harris, according to three of the campaign officials.

    > Harris campaign officials said they intend to continue laying out her policy positions, background and plans if she were to win the presidency – and increasing negative messaging is oftentimes a natural evolution in a presidential campaign as the candidates make their closing arguments.

    > While the vast majority of Trump campaign ads have been negative, according to the tracking firm AdImpact, for much of last month the Harris campaign ran an equal mix of positive and negative ads on broadcast television.

    [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/1fwbbg1/harris_campaign_plans_to_ramp_up_its_negative/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ “Version 2.02, ~694677 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **campaign**^#1 **Harris**^#2 **Trump**^#3 **official**^#4 **more**^#5

  21. ProlapsedShamus on


    I know a lot of people (usually on the right who want to shame liberals into allowing for their bigotry and Trumpism) want to go on and say how we need to not be divisive. We need to come together. When they go low we go high. That kind of shit.


    And it’s not about attacking the other side. I really need to know that Harris and Democrats get why I am so fucking furious. I need some confirmation that the shit I am enraged by is real and they see it and they will do something about it. Because, I’m sorry, every time Vance or Trump flat out lies and it’s called anything other than a lie I feel gaslit.

    Also, if anyone wants to heal the divide that shit falls squarely on conservatives who are the ones propelling the divide. They can turn off Fox News, they can stop chasing every stupid fucking thing they’re told to be terrified of like all the mythological Batman-like super criminals that are “invading” our borders or transgender Mr. Potatohead. They need to make the gesture, they need to show contrition and they need to prove to us – those who they called stupid, immature, god-hating, America destroying, baby killing, communists, socialists, demonic, etc – that they aren’t just trying to lull us into a false sense of security so they can shank us when our back is turned.

    Those fuckers love to talk civil war and celebrate murderers like Rittenhouse and they are not to be trusted. They have a metric fuck ton to atone for.

  22. rockatthebeach on

    Most “undecideds” still don’t understand just how much harm he has already caused. Just do hitler/trump comparisons and Handsmaids tale clips.

  23. She also needs to focus on how her messaging will help the average American. Shitting on Trump is all well and good (and deserved) but she needs to balance it with ways she’ll help and Trump hurts.

  24. I have yet to hear the term, “dereliction of duty”.

    Trump watching the US Capitol under attack and doing nothing was his greatest crime.

    Everyone who has served in the military should be intimately familiar with this term and they all know how wrong and disqualifying it is.

    Kamala Harris said she was going to prosecute the case against trump and we need to hear some honorable closing arguments.

  25. Asexualhipposloth on

    What the campaign should do is create ads that show his rally speeches. They are completely unhinged.

  26. By “negative messaging”, do they mean describing Trump and his actions in detail without bias?

  27. > “One thing I have learned in my time in politics is that if one of the parties is shameless, the other party cannot afford to be spineless.”

    Those were the words of Sen. Frank Lautenberg, who spent 30 years in the Senate and was the last of the WW2 vets in office. He knew politics. (New Jersey Dem)

  28. Southern-Girl-56 on

    Why not, he never holds back. Says whatever the hell he wants to, lie or not….well lies.

  29. Perfect. For most of their campaign it was positive, forward looking messaging. But now, as we approach the finish line, time to take the gloves off and tell the American people what he is .. a con artist, rapist, pedophile, incompetent leader, fraudster, racist, conspiracy theorist, megalomaniac, and on and on. Say the truth, the media isn’t going to help, just say it!

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