Trump Is in Panic Mode—and Threatening Kamala Harris Over Project 2025

Source: thenewrepublic


  1. thenewrepublic on

    >“Lyin’ Kamal Harris, who refuses to do interviews or press conferences because she has no idea how to answer the questions, and is now losing in the polls, continues to make a thing called Project 2025 the central theme of her campaign, advertising and all,” Trump ranted in a post on Truth Social Friday.

    >“Lyin’ Kamala has been informed, legally, that I have, and had, nothing to do with it, NEVER READ IT, NEVER SAW IT, but her ads continue, full blast,” he continued, seemingly threatening legal action against Harris.

  2. He informed, legally? Like Michael Scott “declared” bankruptcy?

    He could put it all to rest by outlining what his policies were, but he’d have to, ya know, read, and if it doesn’t have his name in it evey other sentence, he tends to drift off.

  3. >Kamala has been informed, legally, that I have, and had, nothing to do with it


    Hear that? No?

    That’s because absolutely no one’s boots are quaking.

    Weak, useless dumbass.

    Time for the Dems to triple down on the Project 2025 sweet spot.

  4. Due_Battle_1413 on

    Trump as dumb as he is isn’t stupid enough to publicly admit supporting the project. Political suicidal even for him.

  5. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a candidate running for office have to forcefully deny, “No, that’s not my agenda, I swear!” so often. Probably tells you something about what their internal polling is saying about P2025.

    Here in WI, I actually got a flyer in the mail from the Republican party saying Trump doesn’t agree with P2025 and is proposing “common sense” policy instead. Sure, Jan.

  6. From Newsweek:

    Trump has previously praised The Heritage Foundation; speaking at its Annual Leadership Conference on April 21, 2022, a week after Project 2025 was announced, he said: “But this is a great group. And they’re going to lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do and what your movement will do when the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America and that’s coming.” Project 2025 was published a year later.

  7. Russell Vought, Trump’s former director of the White House’s Office of Management and Budget, completely dismisses Trump’s disavowal of Project 2025.

    Centre for Climate Reporting – Undercover in Project 2025 ([Article]( | [Video]( 9:51)

    [Russel Vought] is the founder and president of the Center for Renewing America, a conservative think tank he described to his hosts as ‘the Death Star,’ which alongside the Heritage Foundation has been at the heart of Project 2025.

    “Vought said he is overseeing the drafting of hundreds of executive orders, regulations and secretarial memos, to help make the US conservative movement’s radical goals a reality. These include plans for the ‘largest deportation in history’ – a promise also made by Trump – and a proposal to use the military against US citizens to suppress large-scale protests in response. This will, Vought said, help to end multiculturalism in the United States.”

    “Vought also pointed to the fact he was recently chosen as the policy director for the Republican National Convention’s Platform Committee, as evidence of the Trump campaign’s trust in him and his ideas.”

    “A key part of Project 2025’s plans is to give the President more powers, removing the independence of agencies like the Department of Justice and FBI. Vought has dedicated his time to helping make this a reality if Trump wins in November.

    ‘Eighty percent of my time is working on the plans of what’s necessary to take control of these bureaucracies,’ Vought said, ‘And we are working doggedly on that, whether it’s destroying their agency’s notion of independence — they’re independent from the President — whether it’s bringing back concepts that ruled until Nixon of impoundment — the ability to not spend money — whether that is thinking through how the deportation would work. Those are all the things that we are working on predominantly right now.’”

    “Vought, who told the undercover reporters he had a deep relationship with the Trump campaign, even dismissed his former boss’s disavowal of Project 2025. He said his close relationship with Trump means that he can put these transition documents directly into his hands. ‘There are people like me that have his trust that will be able to get it to him in whatever position we’re at,’ he said. ‘The relationships will be there. The trust level will be there.’

    Vought also pointed to the fact he was recently chosen as the policy director for the Republican National Convention’s Platform Committee, as evidence of the Trump campaign’s trust in him and his ideas.”

  8. I believe he never “read” it. He probably “listened” to the Rudy narrated audiobook edition.

  9. Can you imagine what’d come up in discovery if he was actually serious about a legal threat?

    (which is why this is a laughably weak approach, just desperate whining)

  10. It doesn’t really matter if Trump knows anything about Project 2025 because he is a Trojan horse. He will be discarded as soon as possible should he return to office.

    We know Trump is neither fit nor sound, *and* that Vance has arguably closer ties to Peter Thiel and the rest of the Heritage Foundation goons who architected it. Sure, many of those people came from the Trump administration, but they’re underlings.

  11. Oh dang he’s bustin’ out his pissy little boy fit voice

    He’s VEWY SEWIOUS now!!

  12. 12345Hamburger on

    > I have, and had, nothing to do with it, NEVER READ IT, NEVER SAW IT,

    Then publicly denounce it.

  13. SuperGenius9800 on

    The more he whines about this the worse he looks. Has he released his healthcare concept yet?

  14. HylianTomOnReddit on

    Wait.. why is he in “panic mode?” I thought that the race is supposedly tied? Has he seen some data that has upset him? That’s quite curious.

  15. Let’s say for argument’s sake that he truly “never heard of it”. Wouldn’t one think that an individual running for the highest office in the land, would at least want to read the very document he’s being accused of backing as his platform? You know, so he could argue against it with, I dunno, knowledge? His argument of ignorance in itself makes him a terrible presidential choice. (Amongst the very mountain of shit he commits and spews that also make him a terrible candidate. )

  16. He’s threatening (checks notes) a former District Attorney

    I think she knows how to call a bluff at this point in her career.  I can’t wait to see the “for immediate release” on this one.

  17. Cool-Protection-4337 on

    How come them replacing Biden’s current responsibilities on kamala is not off limits then? It is an actual blatant lie meant to mislead where as project 2025 is real and a great deal of evidence exists that pins trump too it? I call bullshit. The VP had no power and that is common knowledge yet suddenly, to help trump, it is okay to publicly declare the role greater than the president’s.   

    All a bunch of pathetic liars wanting power only for two things. 1.)  to keep us down and divided 2.) to make it rain on the wealthy. That is it, quite simple really. I really don’t understand the cult  part of the population that supports conservatives. It is in the name, they are all cons. Take that to the bank.

  18. dogfacedwereman on

    Guy’s skin looks the same color of a hotdog left out under a heat lamp for too long.

  19. strange_stairs on

    Both video and a transcript of Trump’s April 21, 2022, Florida speech show him praising The Heritage Foundation and Project 2025’s forthcoming “Mandate for Leadership” plans:

    “Around 20 minutes into Trump’s speech, just after referencing the upcoming 2024 election, he said of Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts, “Already we have shown the power of our winning formula, working closely with many of the great people at Heritage over the four incredible years that we’ve worked with you a lot and we were just discussing it with Kevin (inaudible), they’re going to work on some other things that are going to be very exciting, I think, Kevin, I think maybe the most exciting of all.”

    Then, about 41 minutes into the speech, Trump called The Heritage Foundation a “great group.” He also referred to The Heritage Foundation’s plans as a “colossal mandate” and said it would “lay the groundwork for exactly what our movement will do” in order to “save America”:

    Because our country is going to hell. The critical job of institutions such as Heritage is to lay the groundwork. And Heritage does such an incredible job at that. And I’m telling you, with Kevin and the staff, and I met so many of them now, I took pictures with among the most handsome, beautiful people I’ve ever seen. I didn’t like that picture. If you could lose that picture, please would you Kevin? But this is a great… No, he says I won’t do that. But this is a great group. And they’re going to lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do and what your movement will do when the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America and that’s coming. That’s coming. Because nobody can stand what’s happening right now. Only a fool, only a fool or somebody that hates our country can like what’s happening right now. Never been in this position before and already we know a very big part of our agenda.”


    *Trump, or “Trump administration”, is mentioned 310 times in Project 2025.

    **Trump has been working with the Heritage Foundation directly since 2016:

    “Roughly 70 former Heritage Foundation employees worked for Trump either as part of his transition team or administration prompting them to brag that The Heritage Foundation is closer to Trump than any other administration since Ronald Reagan, and that relation gave them unprecedented influence.”

    “Oh, and remember how we talked about the 70 former Heritage Foundation employees who worked for Trump either as part of his transition team or administration as he was implementing Project 2016? Well, at least 140 people who worked in the Trump administration helped write Trump’s Project 2025.”

    ***Trump was able to enacted the majority of the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2017 during his first term:

    “Through Project 2017, The Heritage Foundation made 334 recommendations. Trump implemented 215 of them in his first year alone.”

  20. You know, I’d almost believe him except for the fact all of his proclaimed policies are outlined in Project 2025. They are one and the same, he just doesn’t mention the scarier parts.

  21. clueless_in_ny_or_nj on

    I’d give it a week until Trump starts associating Project 2025 to Harris.

  22. “Me thinks the laddie doth protest too much.” Clearly, the Harris campaign has picked a mighty scab and should keep doing it. All Trump can do is be negative and threaten. He can’t say what he is for in positive terms. Let’s hope Kamala keeps up the steady pressure toward the apoplectic aneurysm.

  23. CompanyObjective173 on

    It doesn’t matter whether he knows anything about it or not. His cabinet will be filled with people who are committed to it and he will approve everything they do.

  24. Dear_Astronaut_00 on

    Im pretty sure he actually didn’t lie when he said that he hasn’t read it.

  25. What’s especially precious is that he is still claiming Harris is avoiding interviews, when he just pulled out of a high profile sit-down with 60 Minutes that Harris is still participating in. Always projection with this clown.

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