Gang attack in Haiti kills 70 people including infants

Source: Humpty_Dumps


  1. ThisIsRadioClash- on

    Astonishingly, the extreme level of lawlessness in Hati allows for such a tragedy to occur.

    >”If the one who desires to domineer lacks the desire for glory, he will have no fear of offending men of good judgment and will commonly strive to obtain what he chooses by the most open crimes. Thus he will surpass the beasts in the vices of cruelty and lust.” – Thomas Aquinas, *De Regno*

  2. So much for the few Kenyan “peace keeping” troops. Either someone steps up, be the world police, conquer Haiti and set up a new government, or this kind of thing is going to happen again and again.

  3. It’s why Haiti will always be a hellhole. Violent culture with no morals nor sense of greater good.

  4. FeijoaMilkshake on

    Last time Haiti came to my notice I was reading news on my phone about an influencer who braved himself visiting Haiti making travelling videos for cheap cheap views and unsurprisingly was kidnapped there.

  5. BenefitOfTheDoubt_01 on

    Quick, blame the guns. C’mon everybody, we all know it was those evil no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing guns that forced these otherwise upstanding citizens into murdering people. jUSt ThiNk Of tHe ChiLdRen!


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