Russia scraps population census as war casualties mount

Source: newzee1


  1. Compoundeyesseeall on

    What’s wrong Russian trolls? Tell me why Putin doesn’t want to count? I thought the Ukrainians were lying about the figures? I thought Russia was strong?

  2. I don’t know whether this appeared in this subreddit,
    “The Russian government has approved a bill on fines for promoting the childfree movement,
    which implies the complete rejection of children in families, TASS reports.

    by analogy with the punishment for propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations and gender reassignment, which today range from 50 thousand to 4 million rubles. …”
    This is 500 to 40 000 Euro.
    Maybe the Russians should also rewrite their fairy tales.
    I mean for instance it should be mentioned that Baba Yaga also has three horrible grandsons
    whom she sends to the next village to get booze for her rheumatism.
    Or Grandpa Frost (Ded Moroz) who is always asked by his wife Granny Frost what kind of ice cream she should make when Snegurotschka comes to visit with her boyfriend on Sunday.

  3. Crazy to me that there are 2 newish accounts arguing with each other. Both could be bots and at this point I wouldn’t be surprised about it. Fuck this world of **fact-checking every goddamn word posted, printed, or said**, sucks ass!!!🤬🤬🤬

  4. This is very strange, why would the democratic peoples republic of Russia not want to perform a regular census? What could possibly be the reason?

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