Good for Liz Cheney. Now Where Are Mitt Romney and George W. Bush?

Source: aslan_is_on_the_move


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  2. Pretty_Boy_Bagel on

    Romney? He’s checking to see if Harris is in his binders full of women.

    Bush? He’s busy painting.

  3. The-Mandalorian on

    Romney and Bush at least aren’t endorsing Trump. Neither will vote for him.

    That’s one step in the right direction and that alone speaks volumes.

    I wish they would go further and show support for Harris though.

  4. Well, Bush is a piece of shit war criminal, so don’t expect just a lot from him.

    Romney is probably holding out so he can apply for a job in Trump’s admin if he wins.

  5. Rumor is that Romney has said off record that he hasn’t endorsed out of physical fear for his family. I can understand that.

    I think W is more of a mystery

  6. theconcreteclub on

    Bush doesn’t help Harris at all.
    He’s wildly unpopular and no one trusts him

    Romney is chickenshit

  7. can we not do Bush/Romney hagiography? they’re bad people. they’re busy doing bad people things.

  8. If this was anyone other than Trump Cheney would be spewing all the same BS that the GoP is currently spewing. Her whole family is a cancer to democracy.

    Romney and Bush are just as bad.

  9. UncleGarysmagic on

    Romney has never held a sincere position in his entire life. His allegiance is to whatever direction the wind is blowing.

  10. Inevitable_Bobcat_80 on

    Without January 6th, Liz is still in Congress. I have no love for the Cheney’s or Bush or Mitt, but at least the Cheney’s are willing to publicly stand up for democracy.

    January 6th was an attempted coup. Lots of important things on the ballot in November, but nothing more important than the right to actually vote again in two/four years.

  11. It’s pretty well known that Mittens has no use for the Orange Felon. He might have a problem endorsing Kamala because he grew up believing that black folks were descended from the 1/3 of the angels who refused to take sides in the battle between Elohim Our Heavenly Father and Lucifer before the creation of Earth.

    The LDS church officially disavowed that doctrine in the late 70s, but for older Mormons like Romney, it was already programmed into the brains by then.

  12. I honestly think its best for the Harris campaign if Bush doesn’t say a thing. The guy was a disaster both domestically and abroad. 

  13. The Republican old guard has no real constituency in the Trump era. They speak only for other media personalities. They have no influence and cannot persuade any rank-and-file voters.

  14. I don’t need to hear the opinion of a war criminal like GW or one of the men who led the charge to offshore all American manufacturing jobs while raiding everyone’s pensions, etc. like (R)money.

    Reminder: Cheney, Gonzales, GW Bush, et al. are all still free men despite having committed war crimes, mass murder, and treason against the United States of America.

    Trump is a two bit amateur hour hustler compared to these men. So, why are they still breathing free air instead of locked away for life?!

  15. CyrusTheGoodEnough on

    My personal thoughts as to why George W. hasn’t endorsed Harris is because of the how close the race in Texas is. If his endorsement won’t be just another Republican endorsement it will be the endorsement of the only living Republican former President other than Trump. That carries some weight, especially in Texas where he was a two term Governor. His endorsement could potentially be responsible for doing what Democrats have been dreaming about for decades, flipping Texas. I don’t think he can bring himself to do that.

  16. I wrote Bush a physical letter encouraging him to endorse Harris. His mailing address is
    Office of George W. Bush
    P.O. Box 259000
    Dallas, TX 75225-9000

  17. GW Bush can just stay in his hole. That war criminal weasel would hurt the cause more than he would help it.

  18. Not-2day-Satan on

    This is an “all hands on deck” moment for those who value the constitution and democracy more than party affiliation. I’m happy to have the Cheneys support of Kamala, despite differences.

    We can go back to debates about policy when MAGA is defeated and we (hopefully) have a functioning Conservative Party that is a “loyal opposition” again and not this band of traitorous fascists. And yes, I realize we haven’t had that mindset in a long time, but his complete destruction at the ballot box is our only hope to save this fragile democracy.

  19. Dairy_Ashford on

    W is too competitive, silimar to Clinton with OIC

    Romney is planning a comeback or transitioning to a GOP donor

  20. xanaxopiodadderall on

    Always remember George W Bush and Dick Cheney are heinous war criminals.

    Trump is an extremely awful, ignorant, dangerous man who will surely end the republic, if he manages, by whatever means, to become president again.

    But let’s be clear, Bush and Cheney are wholly responsible for a war in Iraq that was based entirely on lies, destroyed an entire nation, and left unfathomably, upwards of one million people dead. The senseless Iraq War amounts to one of the greatest atrocities in human history and its blowback effects still claim countless lives today, with no end in sight.

    Bush and Cheney were never “moderate republicans,” if such things even exist. Do not allow yourselves to ever trust, admire, or become nostalgic about these monsters who committed unspeakable crimes in our name, with our tax dollars.

  21. Dumbya? You want a man who literally lied this nation into a war with Iraq to come out and support Kamala? Christ. 🙄

  22. Staying quiet is much easier than dealing with a nitwit maga fool with a hammer…..anyone remember what happened to Paul pelosi?

  23. smut_troubadour on

    Any chance Liz Cheney is doing this so that in four years, she can run against Harris and say on the trail, “…and I campaigned for her four years ago!” as a way to bring credibility to whatever point she’s trying to make?

  24. PrinnyForHire on

    So 8+ years from now, is the then democratic nominee going to be humbled by a Trump endorsement?

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