A high school in Arkhangelsk, Russia has started production of grenade components

Source: TheArcticBeyond


  1. This is peak Russia.

    Schools becoming part of the war effort, the next generation of enemies.

  2. AnonymousEngineer_ on

    This is pretty much taking a leaf straight out of the Hamas/Hezbollah playbook, because they know that even if the school doubles up as a munitions factory, “Ukraine bombs high school and kills children” won’t play well with any sympathetic press outlets, as well as in the UN.

  3. HonestCalligrapher32 on

    High School? What wimps. American kids start producing weapons in elementary school.

  4. Antifa-Slayer01 on

    Theyre using a 3d printer at the school to create grenade pins that then get sent to the frontline

  5. The adults behind this have their names and pictures made public. Lots of Russians will be held accountable in the decades to come and it wont make headlines.

  6. Moist-Leggings on

    Just Like Hamas, they will build weapons in a school. Then if it gets bombed they will try to claim that they are victims.

  7. Schools making grenades, Russia being paid with tangerines, Russia is the Florida of the world.

  8. How can any parent be ok with this.

    Is it part of Russian culture to hate your own children?

  9. Library_IT_guy on

    Ukraine: Destroys Russian munitions depot

    Russia: Moves munitions production/stockpiling to it’s highschools.

    Taking Hamas’ playbook I see. Maybe they will force those in hospitals to produce ammo next.

    “Oh look at horrible Ukraine, attacking our hospitals and schools!”

    Someone assassinate Putin already please.

  10. phantom_in_the_cage on

    > “Actually, a teacher is like a border guard, only that our borders are different. Also we serve so that Russia’s border can be endless”

    “guard”, “serve”, “border” -> That’s not a teacher. That’s a drill instructor

    Creating soldiers that follow orders is the military’s job, not educational institutions

    That generation might already be doomed, best of luck to them

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