Ukraine presses legal case at The Hague for removal of Crimean Bridge

Source: Orcasystems99


  1. Orcasystems99 on

    Ukraine is stepping up its legal battle against Russia at The Hague, seeking the dismantling of the Crimean Bridge, labeling it a “closed Russian lake.” The Ukrainian representative asserted that the tribunal should mandate Russia to cease its unlawful actions and provide assurances against future violations. This request, [submitted]( by Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, underscores Ukraine’s strong stance in the Arbitration Tribunal.

    “The tribunal must order Russia to dismantle and remove the so-called ‘Kerch Bridge,'” stated Deputy Agent of Ukraine Oksana Zolotareva during oral hearings at the Arbitration Tribunal. Zolotareva emphasized that the bridge, deemed unlawful by Ukraine, must be demolished to ensure navigational freedom through the Kerch Strait in compliance with international law.

    Furthermore, she argued that the bridge supports Russia’s geostrategic ambitions, describing Russia’s intent to transform the Sea of Azov into a “closed Russian lake.” Ukraine’s demands also include rescinding Russia’s illegal seizure and re-registration of Ukrainian drilling rigs, conducting studies on the environmental impacts of Russian construction in the Kerch Strait, and implementing measures to rectify environmental damages.

    Zolotareva insisted that “Russia must comply with its obligations under UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) to safeguard the marine environment and underwater cultural heritage.”

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