Trump Resisted Disaster Aid for Democratic States as President, Officials Claim

Source: peoplemagazine


  1. peoplemagazine on


    * Former officials in [Donald Trump](’s White House have dropped new claims that the previous president wanted to withhold federal disaster aid in states that were not Republican-leaning during his time as commander in chief.
    * Mark Harvey, a senior director on Trump’s National Security Council staff, and [Olivia Troye](, the former homeland security adviser to [Mike Pence](, alleged that there are at least three occasions where Trump played politics and deliberately delayed disaster relief as president.
    * In one instance — during the deadly California wildfires in 2018 — Harvey claims that Trump initially refused to approve disaster aid because the state is historically Democratic.

    More [here](

  2. Well, they claimed it because he did it super publicly lol. This isn’t some new scoop to be broken

  3. What a waste of a human being. Everything is transactional for him.

    Jews are horrible… unless they vote for me

    Debates are useless… unless I win them

    Endorsements don’t make a difference… unless it’s for me.

    The polls are fake… unless I am ahead.

    The election is rigged… unless I win.

    The news is fake… unless it’s flattering.

    Everything’s a hoax… unless I tweet it.

    Nepotism is bad… unless it’s my family.

    I’m rich… but you can’t see my taxes.

    I’m smart… but you can’t see my grades.

    I’m a patriot… but I dodged the draft.

    I’m successful… but my businesses fail.

    My staff is the best… until I fire them.

    I’m innocent… but the prosecutors and courts are corrupt, unless they support me.

  4. That’s because everything is about him, every conservative is the main character of their own story, nobody else matters, and as the party of temporarily embarrassed millionaires, they work on keeping the system fucked so that when it’s “their turn”, they too can become the exploiters and benefit from it and become the Trumps that they live vicariously through.

  5. Fine-Benefit8156 on

    Historians will still be scratching their head in thousand years how an orange monkey became leader of most powerful nation on earth.

  6. Lost_Minds_Think on

    We knew it when it was happening and also when his lackey was shouting about “space lasers” causing fires.

  7. love_is_an_action on

    Yeah, this is the same administration that directed federal authorities to literally seize PPE and other medical supplies from the states of [California](, [Massachusetts](, [Colorado and Washington]( to add to federal stockpiles during the early Covid response.

    He didn’t just want to resist aid to states he didn’t like, he wanted to fucking rob and murder their citizens.

  8. ihatemakinthese on

    Trump also did nothing about covid because he believed it would just hurt larger democrat cities. He also made state governors fight over supplies including requiring a democrat gov to go on air and compliment him to get the lung machines. Trump is a vile pos.

    Edited for spelling

  9. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 78%. (I’m a bot)
    > Former officials in Donald Trump's White House have dropped new bombshell claims that the previous president wanted to withhold federal disaster aid in states that were not Republican-leaning during his time as commander in chief.

    > Mark Harvey, a senior director on Trump's National Security Council staff, and Olivia Troye, the former homeland security adviser to Mike Pence, spoke to Politico's E&E News and alleged that there are at least three occasions where Trump played politics and deliberately delayed disaster relief as president.

    > In one shocking instance – during the deadly California wildfires in 2018 – Harvey claims that Trump initially refused to approve disaster aid because the state is historically Democratic.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~694650 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Trump**^#1 **state**^#2 **Harvey**^#3 **president**^#4 **vote**^#5

  10. Joe Biden has been president for all Americans. In fact some of his signature achievements have benefited republicans more than democrats although they’ve been good for all Americans. Donald Trump has always favored Red states and has always acted against assistance for blue states whenever possible. Vote Blue! Kamala will continue to fight for all Americans and not just one group. She has a coalition backing her from republicans independents and democrats. Not just MAGA and money. Don’t be stupid and fall for a conman again. Vote Kamala Harris for president. Democracy is at risk.

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