We’re drowning in reusable bags. Are bag profits preventing big grocers from adopting solutions?

Source: GeoWa


  1. Stop buying them and take the ones you already have.

    If you have too many reusable bags you are ignoring the reusable part. I only have 3.

  2. WeinerCleptocracy on

    >She says she and two roommates recently tossed 175 reusable bags that were piling up. Now, they’re stockpiling more.

    You just know their bathroom looks like someone plowed a semi through a Lawtons

  3. scottengineerings on

    The ‘single use plastic ban’, another arbitrarily conceived term from a government which delivers master classes in virtue signalling, remains one of the dumbest Liberal initiatives.

    No doubt Steven Guilbeault, who would revert Canadians to swinging off branches in the forest given the opportunity, was behind it.

  4. I can’t believe this, but I’ll defend Walmart, Loblaws etc. how are they responsible for you forgetting your baslg all the God damn time?!? You’re blaming Walmart for the fact that you’re forgetful, disorganized, or simply could care less. Christ, throw a few bags in the trunk, keep a spare in the office, and if you’re going shopping just hang them on the door knob so you don’t forget them when leaving. 

    In general how the f do you forget grocery bags…. when…..you know…… you’re shopping for groceries? Everyone is always looking for someone to blame but never themselves. 

  5. Immediate_Finger_889 on

    I’ve turned into some sort of weird pandemic pioneer with these goddamned bags. I can’t throw them out. I don’t have space for them. I’ve been shredding them and stuffing them into couch cushions, braiding them into wicked strong ropes for yard work, filling them with dirt for sandbag purposes. Pretty soon I’m going to start building mud huts with them. Fucking bags. Bags everywhere.

  6. For the first time in a long time i was in a store (walmart in small town ontario) and they had brown paper bags at the self checkout to pack groceries in. I was quite surprised and pleased. However, i didnt use one because i wasnt sure if they charged me for it, plus i had a bag of my own. If paper bags made a comeback that would solve so many problems i think. But good on that walmart for offering that.

  7. riffraffmcgraff on

    I’ve been using the same two Green totes and 3 Sobeys bags for the past 5 maybe 6 years. Keep them in your vehicle. If you forget to bring them into the store you can walk out with the basket and put the items in the bags in your car and then walk back into the store to put away the basket. If that sounds like too much effort, look within yourself and ask why.

  8. I-hear-the-coast on

    Ordering groceries and getting those reusable bags is an understandable reason to have many, but blaming anyone else because you repeatedly are forgetful and have to buy more is absurd. I’ve never once had to buy a bag because I forgot one, because before I go to the grocery store I check that I have my list, a bag, my wallet. Always have a couple in your car, in your purse, on a hook by the front door, etc. My family hasn’t gotten any plastic grocery bags since like 2006, because we’ve brought reusable bags.

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