Liz Cheney rallies with Harris, implores nation to reject ‘depraved cruelty’ of Trump

Source: promocodebaby


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  2. WillPowerGuitar on

    She is a traitor. Her husband is a fine man though and I respect him and his contributions to this country. I am glad at least he supports Trump and the good he’ll do for this nation.

  3. Knowing Cheney, she likely knew who Trump was and all of the warning signs surrounding him, but then January 6th happened (which was a breaking point for her) and she’s now trying to mostly get rid of one man and pretend like he’s an aberration (see: And, of course, he was known for his depraved cruelty throughout his time in office (and before that), but she accepted and defended it. I’m impressed by the cleverness on her part. 

  4. SubjectNo5281 on

    I’m all for the “spirit of bipartisanship” that was present through some of the 90s and early 00s to return and for this horrible divisivness to be a thing of the past, but I’m afraid the genie is out of the bottle for many conservatives and this is going to result in a fracturing of the modern Republican party. 

    I suspect that you’ll have the whacky fascist Trump MAGA GOP which probably won’t win on its face ever again and the Moderate Republicans which will go back to being corporate flavored regression Ala Mitt Romney and Dick Chaney, and probably won’t win much either given the fracture.

  5. The Cheneys rival the Trumps for the title of “most evil family in America.” The fact this isn’t a “thanks but no thanks” moment for the Harris campaign, but rather something they’re proud of, is quite concerning.

  6. I really hope once this election is over, there is a push to get Trump and all his sycophants on trial and locked up for a long long time.

  7. Mother_Knows_Best-22 on

    I really wish Liz wasn’t such a republican. Backing Harris is great and Liz’s speech is also great, but I have real problems with her father and some of her ideas as well.

  8. Why accept Cheney, she is a Republican. They do not play fair not in good faith. Inviting her to will not suddenly win you votes, the DNC (Liberals) seem to always side with the fascist than support Leftist (populist) candidates.

    Bipartisanship is dumb, Republicans will never negotiate in good faith.

  9. PromptAcademic4954 on

    Fuck the Cheneys (as John Stewart)a would say. The facts that Dems have to break bread with these neoconse show how much MAGA has impeded our progress as a nation.

  10. ITT: a whole lot of people who really don’t understand the saying “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

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