LNP leader uses first Queensland election debate to hang his future on reducing victims of crime

Source: ButtPlugForPM

1 Comment

  1. ButtPlugForPM on

    Sad that crissafili performed so bad,yet still is polling well.

    I get ppl have a “it’s time for a change” mentality,but that debate clearly showed that the opposion has a LOT of slogans,but he was unable to back almost any of those ideas up with actual numbers when pushed.

    Miles got a little bit pissy you could tell but came off pretty well

    Sadly i think my queensland brothers and sisters are in for a campbell newman 2.0 and are going to have to be reminded why they voted labor back in last time.

    It’s all good if the Liberals had solid plans,but it seems everything is hinging on a We aren’t labor and we will protect you from those scary scary roving gangs of mad max style youth gangs

    Youth crime is not going to be solved with special schools.

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