Heavy airstrike on Beirut with bunker bombs reported as heavier than used on Nassralah

Source: vladikdx


  1. I don’t understand how the stock market works. My shares are up. Half the whole world is killing each other (it feels like) and the markets are just like “yeah, cool, that’s happening over THERE though…”

    I can’t believe this is all happening in my lifetime. I can’t believe we were all like “ww1 ww2 vietnam… Never again…” Then in 2024 we have cartoon character world leaders like Kim Jong Un, Putin, even Biden or the Trumpster are fairly bonkers in their own ways…

    This is where we are now. Hunks of monkey meat convinced we are somehow more evolved than one another, throwing rocks and poo at each other and putting it on the internet so we can say…

    “Ooo. Look at them. That’s not us though, so that’s ok.” Like we are the teacher from Battle Royale.

    Poor. Bloody. Everyone… Who’s problem it IS, though hey?

    Poor bloody Ukrainians who were invaded by poor bloody Russians who have been sold a pack of lies. Poor bloody innocent Palestinians and Israelis who are just collateral in a war that’s never ending. Now these poor bloody people are getting their lives ruined as well.

    Hicks vale of soul-making; might seem like the most “I’m 14 and this is deep” concept ever, but I don’t have a better answer at this point.

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