No amount of evidence will convince Republicans of Trump’s 2020 guilt

Source: plz-let-me-in


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  2. ComprehensiveHavoc on

    Liberals see the evidence and base their judgement on that. But MAGAs hear Trump’s lie, hear it repeated by his surrogates, and watch their news reporters agree and validate the lie. After all that, they start to feel crazy even questioning total falsehoods, and view others who question them as idiots. They are brainwashed; facts can’t fix that. 

  3. They **already know he’s guilty**. That’s not what this is about. This is “I don’t wanna!” toddler-style defiance. It is **baby behavior**, and electing Trump will validate it.

  4. Colonel-Mooseknuckle on

    No shit. They still claim he won the 2020 election even though there isn’t a shred of evidence, and after he lost 60 lawsuits about it.

  5. They’re not the ones who need to be convinced. It’s the undecided voters and independents.

  6. Which is why I don’t understand why we see so many “this won’t move the needle” comments whenever 2020 is brought up.

    Does the maga cult really matter that much that we have to cater to them? Who gives a fuck if they’re not convinced, normal everyday Americans are.

    Whether on the right or left, millions across both sides of the aisle are convinced of trump’s guilt and will vote at the ballot box to prevent him from ever returning to the White House.

    Worrying about whether a bunch of idiots will get on board is pointless, they won’t, they’re too far gone at this point, and they’re never coming back.

  7. Know you realize how Jim Jones convinced his followers to drink the “kool-aid” they’re both cults.

  8. DrRockBoognish on

    Cognitive dissonance:

    “Tell him you disagree and he turns away. Show him facts or figures and he questions your sources. Appeal to logic and he fails to see your point.”

  9. Gurney_Hackman on

    The bottom line is that if they admit that he is guilty, then that means that the left is right about Trump, and has been right about him all along. Right wingers are too petty to ever admit this. They’d rather lose democracy and the rule of law than admit that they were wrong.

  10. Of course not. MAGA can only exist because of unhinged supporters who couldn’t care less of the facts, evidence, or science. It’s hate for hate’s sake and driven by their crimes-against-humanity fantasies and desires.

    They cancelled Wade v. Roe, legislated against LGBTQ+ communities, targetted immigrants as vermin. They’re all fundamentally monsters roiling in hate for others and self loathing for themselves. Violence, suppression, and murder are their only outlets.

  11. Winter-Huntsman on

    I found it best to cut these lunatics out of your life if you’re able to. They aren’t worth the energy to try and convince them of who Trump really is.

  12. JeffSpicolisBong on

    I am convinced there is 30 to 40% of the American population who just hate people. They behave like trolls and carry massive chips on their shoulder. They are miserable and they wanna make sure that everyone else is miserable too. It reminds me of the part in catcher in the rye where Holden Caulfield sees that someone has scribbled “fuck you“ on the wall. He ponders the sentiment and I sometimes find myself coming back to that scene in the book when I see Maga bullshit. It’s been a long time since I read the book, maybe I need to reread it in my take is not correct, but that’s what I think of when I think of Maga Republicans.

  13. Suitable-Economy-346 on

    The media has done an absolute shit job of explaining to the American people what Trump did and why it’s a big deal. The media (and a lot of Democrats) made this out to be one of Trump’s regular shenanigans. When in reality, it’s one of the most insane conspiratorial things to ever happen in American history.

    I legitimately think 90% of Americans have no idea what Trump actually did, that includes Democrats. I think if Democrats knew what Trump did, they’d be much better at explaining what happened. I think if Republicans knew what Trump did, many would absolutely not vote for him. But since neither know what Trump actually did, it gets thrown into the Republican vs. Democrat team sport arena, where everyone is a fucking idiot.

  14. Authoritarians don’t believe in evidence. Authoritarians believe in authority, and the people who talk about evidence don’t have it.

  15. Mine-Shaft-Gap on

    Trump can go up on stage at a rally tonight and say that his plan for Mike Pence was to have him killed for certifying the 2020 election and it would be just fine with everyone at the rally. They would cheer.

    And nothing would happen to Trump.

  16. Sadly, this has been apparent since day one. He is their avatar. Their avenging angel for all their perceived grievances. He can do no wrong; he can only be wronged.

  17. LevitationalPush on


    They don’t CARE that he’s guilty.

    They WANTED to results of the election overthrown *even if Biden won.*


  18. Quick_Silver_2707 on

    Maga lives in an alternative facts world of caricatures.

    Example 1: Kamal Harris is a Marxist/Socialist.

    Reality: she’s not just listen to the actual words she says.

    Example 2: Trump is a friend to the working class.

    Reality: he’s actually a scab. Just listen to the actual words he says.

  19. theFormerRelic on

    Convincing them is one thing. The right way to think about it is that no amount of evidence will *make them care*.

  20. stinky_cheese33 on

    Correction: “No amount of evidence will convince **Trumpists** of Trump’s 2020 guilt”.

  21. No-Entrepreneur-7496 on

    Yep. A cult. They overanalyze each Democratic fart but everything Trump spouts is truer than the Bible.

  22. My mom doesn’t care because she believes “Kamala is just as bad.” I hate being surrounded by uneducated idiots.

  23. Accomplished-Head449 on

    It’s not for the cult. It’s for the morons who are still somehow undecided and the swing voters who can’t decide between the next Hitler and an actual presidential candidate

  24. nice-view-from-here on

    You mean MAGAs. Plenty of Republicans have been convinced by evidence, even plenty of conservative ideological leaders. Sure, we don’t see any one news item trigger a dramatic swing in opinion polls. But there seems to be a slow but steady trickle of non-MAGA conservatives.

  25. They know. They just cannot look back now. They would have no problem seeing the issue with Trump’s behavior if his name was Joe Biden instead. They have given their minds to a liar, alienated friends and family, and they allow themselves to be animated by fear. They have chosen their path, now we have to outvote them. Justice being served, however late, might make the spell break for some of them.

  26. Pale-Worldliness7007 on

    How are so many people so fucking dumb? It makes one wonder how they function in real life.

  27. Pusfilledonut on

    MAGA is a reactionary movement, based on the belief in a moral hierarchy that must be turned into a social hierarchy. 

    The bargain implied is simple: Some degree of social status will be granted not by what for most is unobtainable wealth or power, but by identity (i.e. the right ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, and political ideology). This allows shallow people to assure themselves they are separate and apart from the lowest in society, and are worthy by virtue of their associations. In return, those who feel elevated by tribal rhetoric must not question those with actual wealth and power. 

    The supporters of these kinds of movements see society as a zero sum game, where they might only succeed if someone else fails. MAGA paymasters promote this mindset because it diffuses any challenge to their class in society. Cultural warfare is their goal, because class warfare threatens their wealth and privilege. Better you should argue about beer cans or pancake syrup, than multi trillion dollar tax incentives for the wealthiest 1%, paid for by the American taxpayer. 

    But what ultimate benefit could lower caste MAGA hope to gain from all this? Confounding when you consider that they too will be disadvantaged in the dismantling of democracy and the draining of the public coffers. 

    The answer is quite simple: MAGA hate equality to the point they would sacrifice freedom and democracy to rid themselves of it. They don’t want rights. They want privileges that others are not allowed, to reassure themselves that their status, even if lowly, is not based on genetics or tribal affiliation. MAGA will embrace control by proxy over those they disagree with because, in an authoritarian mind, power is the ultimate mark of status. This is why laws that seem pointlessly cruel or damaging or ridiculous are endorsed; to harm others without consequence is the purest expression of power and therefore, by extension, proof of their superiority. 

    In the same vein, Trump’s character flaws are actually considered assets because they anger and frustrate those who oppose him. His promised “vengeance and retribution” is a proxy for their desire to harm, and therefore triumph over, their opponents. By giving him absolute power, they get to enjoy the tribal status over those they have been taught to perceive as their enemies. Their neighbour, their family member, the helpless and meek, the immigrant, the other. 

    In the authoritarian mindset, there must always be an in group that the law will protect but never bind, and there must be out groups that the law will bind but never protect. That’s the real motivation behind the outfits and hats and team insignia they proudly sport; they must be able to identify who is the in group, and who is the out. 

    And because all of this is an emotional identity rather than a rational identity, a political identity posing as a religious identity, MAGA doesn’t need to understand the underlying dynamics to be swept up into the darkness and swallowed whole. 




  28. imstuckunderyourmom on

    They are bought in. Admitting they’re wrong is literally worse than death. The conservative mind requires rejection of critical thought

  29. I’d say the Trump camp fits this description of a cult. Trump has a history of not being a good human. I’m sure psychologists and sociologists will be studying this downfall in democracy for years. I hope they weigh in social media, home schooling, water downed history curriculum and on line gaming. On-line gamers are a large percentage of chronically absent students.

  30. He could set fire to an animal shelter and his cultists would cheer then bitch about some Democrat drinking a milkshake like a normal person.

  31. Feeling-Coffee-7917 on

    Here is the thing:

    It takes a lot of courage and self reflection to admit to being wrong about something that you adamantly defended. It’s hard to have your belief structure shaken to its very core. It has to be earth shattering and scary. I get it.

    The thing is, while it is hard, it is not impossible. Putting aside your ego for the sake of your country and the people in it, that is strength. That is leadership. That is commendable. It’s not a weakness to admit to being wrong. Weakness is refusing to because you don’t have the inner strength to take a deep breath and say, “Well shit. Got that one wrong. ”

    People misjudge and make mistakes every single day. It’s human. It’s normal. Just say you fucked up.

    But i get that asking a lot from the MAGA crowd

  32. Or they think he’s justified because it was the only way to save America. Many fully know what he did and are willing to sacrifice this country to him because they think he will save it.

  33. You literally show them evidence and they say “where’s the evidence?”. You can’t fix willful ignorance.

  34. Trump is racist and so are his followers. They are voting for him because they don’t want to be replaced by people of color. It doesn’t matter what Trump does, they will still vote for him because he wants to make America white again. The people of color voting for him are just frankly fucking morons

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