Donald Trump Mocks Jimmy Carter on His Milestone 100th Birthday

Source: javelin3000


  1. Ok_Breakfast4482 on

    Naturally because Trump has no basic human decency and sees everything through a zero-sum political lens where people either worship him unquestioningly and receive praise, or they oppose him and receive insults and mockery.

  2. barneyrubbble on

    Jimmy Carter has more class in his little toenail than Trump and his entire family have.

  3. ranchoparksteve on

    Donald Trump hates being the worst president in US history. Even Trump’s own supporters suspect it’s true deep down.

  4. This election is very similar to the Carter-Reagan election.

    Carter took over a country that was in a lot of trouble and did the best he could to hold it together, but voters blamed him for everything.

    Biden/Harris took over a country that was in a lot of trouble and did a much better job than Carter did, but are still being blamed for everything.

  5. Jimmy Carter is one of the best *people* who’s ever been president and is a national treasure. His presidency wasn’t the best, but his post-presidency has been wonderful.

    Trump isn’t worth the dog shit I had to wipe off my shoe in comparison, and his opinion on Carter doesn’t matter.

  6. forprojectsetc on

    What a thoroughly toxic garbage heap of an individual.

    Does he have any redeeming qualities at all?

    In an alternate reality where Trump didn’t exist, if I wrote Trump as a comic book villain, I’d be mocked for lack of realism.

    The man makes every character on Always Sunny look like a goddamn saint.

  7. Donald is a fucking loser. If any one of his children actually publicly speak out against him for once, I’d respect them infinitely more but we all know, they are eye his remaining money if he has any left for them.

  8. Trump is consistent in showing his class. It would have been off-brand had he stayed silent about Carter.

  9. peoplemagazine on


    * Former President Carter turned a century old on Tuesday, Oct. 1, after spending more than 19 months in hospice care.
    * Trump, 78, brought up the 39th president of the U.S. while speaking at a manufacturing facility in Waunakee, Wis., on Tuesday, Oct. 1, according to PBS.
    * After calling President [Joe Biden]( the worst president in U.S. history, Trump told the crowd, “Jimmy Carter is the happiest man because Jimmy Carter is considered a brilliant president by comparison,” according to multiple reports.

    More on their history and past comments about each other [here](

  10. TheGreatWorker93 on

    There are few things I can say with more certainty than Jimmy Carter will definitely live to a higher age than Dumpy Donald.

    And when Donald finally meets his maker all of his cultists can come and worship at his grave while the rest of us queue up to piss on it.

  11. Additional-Series230 on

    If you want to know what kind of man Carter is, read the moving book, Just Peace by JT Mattie Stepanek. Jimmy Carter is one of our best. Trump can fuck right off. The man has no decency.

  12. DivinePotatoe on

    The only thing I hope is that Trump doesn’t make it anywhere near 100.

    And no, I don’t care that that’s a mean thing to say.

  13. Donald Trump just proving what a disgusting shit of a person he is. Jimmy Carter’s comment about Trump was the absolute truth.

  14. theFormerRelic on

    This man has no respect or reverence for the office he’s seeking, and neither do his voters.

  15. When Biden won in 2020 I thought thank god, when Jimmy Carter finally passes there will be a decent person in office to give him the respectful send-off he deserves. Now I’m terrified again.

  16. Has Trump ever said something nice about someone else that wasn’t an ally of his, doing something for him, or didn’t later turn out to be part of a sextortion ring or racist pieces of shit?

    Seriously, all his compliments are back handed insults or completely chauvinistic. He oozes hate and contempt for everyone and especially for those that don’t serve his agenda.

    Why would anyone want that kind of person to be President of the U.S.A?

  17. NewUser579169 on

    I’m pretty sure no one has plans to piss on Jimmy Carter’s grave after he passes. Can’t say the same for that fucking guy

  18. Imagine if Jimmy Carter casts the deciding vote in Georgia.

    “Tell Donald Duck, I did it!”

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