Vance says Trump won the 2020 election – then doubles down on the lie in new interview

Source: theindependentonline


  1. So then Trump can’t run again. Got it.

    And what policies did he have ready to go to say, this is what I would’ve done if “properly” seated?

  2. NotCreative37 on

    This is the wrong time for that strategy with the legal brief being released to the public yesterday.

  3. TheCanadianDude27 on

    >“Who won the 2020 election? Could you just answer? Did Donald Trump win?” Selvig asked.

    >“Yes,” Vance replied.

    >After asking Vance to confirm that he was saying Trump won in 2020, Vance replied “Yep.”

    >The comedian then pressed Vance, asking if he would concede if he and Trump lost the election.

    >Vance did not answer directly, instead just saying “I really feel bad for you man.”

    >Selvig continued to push, asking “if your opponent gets more votes, will you concede,” after which Vance walked away without answering.

  4. BigBallsMcGirk on

    “You know what? Fine. Trump won in 2020. Per the 22nd amendment, no person shall be elected to office of President more than twice. Trump won and was elected twice. So he is barred from running again. Harris wins by default.”

  5. DanielTheEunuch on

    Hammer them, ask them this shit again and again and again. Ask them specifics about the facts of the indictment and get them on record denying it.

  6. Like Walz said, the reason Pence wasn’t on that stage was because Pence wouldn’t toe the line that the election was stolen. Trump picked Vance because Vance is a “yes man” for Trump.

  7. How can you elect someone who can’t face reality? Vance and Trump exist in an imagination land, all of their answer are “that wouldn’t have happened if…” or “we’re looking toward the future.” They do not consider the present at all just an imagined past and a fictitious future.

  8. They are insurrectionist to their core and must be expelled. There is room in democracy for Republicans and Democrats but there must be no tolerance for insurrectionists.

  9. Bosa_McKittle on

    If he won, he’s ineligible to run for president again. Vance is too stupid to even know this.

  10. Vance goes all in. Basically if he doesn’t win his political career is over? hopefully?

  11. But, but… Tim Walz wasn’t in Hong Kong or anywhere near Tiananmen Square 35 years ago!!!

  12. The GOP is going to abandon all pretense this time around. They are no longer trying to obscure the fascism and authoritarian intent, because they know they have enough of their people in all the right places to just steal the whole thing, knowing that no one can do anything about it. They aren’t worried about anything crippling their chances in the election, because they’re not concerned about the election, because they know they don’t need it.

  13. Downtown-rose on

    This guy is weird again!  The clock struck midnight. It’s like Cinderella, the spell washed away after one night.

  14. He needs to say this or Trump turns on him. He wants to get into office so that when Trump goes to jail or dies due to health issues, he becomes president

  15. ThingCalledLight on

    “If he won, how can he run for a third term? Or, if the election was rigged while Trump was President, why bother to run now under the Biden administration as supposedly corrupt as you say it is? Surely it’d be rigged way worse than under Trump, right? So it’d be impossible to win? Senator?”

  16. notcaffeinefree on

    Usual reminder that Congress could disqualify Trump and force him to prove that he *didn’t* try to overthrow the election. Because it’s a civil action, it doesn’t require the usual “innocent until proven guilty” and that’s the way it’s been used before.

  17. 2-travel-is-2-live on

    He must have gotten an ass-chewing for not saying what Trump wanted during the debate.

  18. theFormerRelic on

    People have been sentenced to jail time for participating in the 2020 lie. Why are people willing to go along with it this time? Is the mindset basically “if we cheat even harder this time we’ll get away with it and won’t face any consequences because we’ll be in charge of everything?” Or does it even go that deep? Is it just a “yes dear orange god” thing without any pragmatic thought whatsoever?

  19. So he was just too much of a coward to say it during the debate? He’s pathetic. A weird, pathetic liar.

  20. MagicianHeavy001 on

    OK. Journalism 101 says the next question is: “What proof do you have about this contention that he won 2020? 63 courts said he didn’t.”

    Just keep hammering his ass. Ask about nothing else until he answers.

  21. YonTroglodyte on

    But JD, we now know that Trump planned to say the election was stolen before the election even happened. You silly goose, you.

  22. I was a little down after Walz’ sort of average debate performance but he got exactly what he needed, the one dagger of a sound bite that is going to haunt the last 30 days of this campaign

  23. I like how his staffer is trying to get it to stop because she knows he’s fucking up big time.

  24. Savagevandal85 on

    Will this get the media to stop fawning over The guy ?? I’m shocked how effusive they are about his performance. I nee Trump to lose and going forward all debate need fact checking . Being a slick liar shouldn’t be a positive trait

  25. Fine by me. So Trump is ineligible to vote for then due to the 22nd amendment. You cannot be elected more than twice to president. Also Pence would be in charge of certification lol

  26. Couldn’t risk saying that when people were watching

    I honestly think he’s just running for president himself. Currently, not for 2028, as Trmp won’t last a year.

  27. Sad-Status-4220 on

    Let’s hope that after him and trump lose, the people of Ohio will also give him the boot.

  28. Insane that thy are even allowed to campaign on destroying democracy…. So un-American..

    Literally letting an un-American party a chance at winning control of the country.

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