CBC ‘can do better,’ ombudsman says, after host cited for editorializing

Source: CaliperLee62


  1. >*The CBC’s ombudsman said Hanomansing strayed from being balanced when it came to a contentious issue and instead offered a “value judgment” when he said people “want more immigrants to come to Canada.”*

    >*“It was simply too easy to interpret these remarks as a value judgment,” wrote ombudsman Jack Nagler. “I agree that CBC can do better.”*

    >*The broadcast in question featured an interview with Immigration Minister Marc Miller and asked, “Is it fair to increase immigration when housing is scarce?”*

    >*Hanomansing’s comments that record-high quotas were indispensable led to listener complaints.*

    >*“We welcome immigrants,” said radio host. “They’re essential to this country and we want more immigrants to come to Canada. We invite and rely on immigrants to come to this country.”*

    >*He also called immigration “an essential part of the Canadian experience” and said immigrants were “filling much-needed jobs from health care to high tech to the trades.”*

  2. I’m kinda bummed that PP and the conservatives are basically guaranteed a majority come the election, a silver lining to it all is at least they’ll partially defund the dumpster fire that is the CBC.

  3. ViewWinter8951 on

    >“In other words, don’t put your finger on the scale when it comes to determinations about which sides are right or wrong on a matter of public controversy,” wrote Nagler.

    The CBC loves to not just put their finger on the scale. They sit their ass down on the scale. This is what people complain about with the CBC. There are very few topics where they aren’t trying to influence the pubic.

  4. GiantKnotweed on

    He’s not really wrong we (as in big companies and liberals) do want more immigrants and there was a shortage of people willing to work skilled jobs for peanuts (now there is 2.5 unemployed people for every job opening). Canada does (or at the time) let pretty much anybody come here.

  5. But redditors have told me that CBC is a completely unbiased news org and there are no examples of them being a liberal slanted organization.

  6. I love that I’m paying a (tiny) part of his salary to spew liberal propaganda. This is why Canadians have turned their back on the CBC and many want to to lose public funding.

  7. Why is it liberals always have to hold themselves to such a higher standard than conservative news?

  8. ghost_n_the_shell on

    Imagine. The CBC carrying water for the Liberals.

    I did a quick search and don’t see the CBC commenting on this decision yet.

    They like to hold everyone else accountable, I would think they’d hold themselves to this same standard?

    Are these published on the website?

  9. Point of note here, we should be applauding that the CBC is subject to ombudsman oversight. You can be entirely assured that none of our private media outlets would pass the same levels of scrutiny.

  10. SnuffleWarrior on

    He’s correct. Canada’s low birthrate and ageing population can’t support itself into the future. There’s no magic to those numbers and those that don’t recognize it are obtuse.

  11. Toronto Sun, home of hack bias editorials Has problem with editorials passing for news. Hilarious.

  12. Hot-Celebration5855 on

    Hanomansing is basically touting the old (pre-Trudeau) immigration consensus. Yes – we want legal immigrants who bring necessary skills in scarce or high demand sectors like healthcare or construction.

    What the CBC, Hanomansing and others don’t appreciate is that Trudeau (with an assist from cash greedy premiers) shattered this model of immigration. Now we have 4-5x more immigrants per year, most of whom are tfw, low skill diploma mill students, and both faux and real low skill asylum seekers. In the process we threw out the discipline around screening and skill selection that made immigration work for Canada.

    Canadians did not ask for this model of immigration. The LPC-NDP foisted it upon us.

  13. CBC wrote a light hearted story about a disabled man looking for a hug, when the victim had to come out and tell her side of the story of nearly being raped, guy had his junk out. No apology nothing from them.

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