Is Jack Smith’s Filing “Shocking”? No, it’s Just What Republicans Do. Yes, Donald Trump’s Behavior is Breathtaking. But Stealing Elections and Committing Treason is Just What Republicans Do.

Source: OkayButFoRealz


  1. AutoModerator on

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  2. Weird, really weird title.

    Is Jack Smith’s filing simply what Republicans do? When have Republicans filed anything remotely similar?

    Ohhhh! What Smith says *Trump did* is what Republicans do. Okay.

    Weird title. Really weird.

  3. Because everyone lets them get away with it, including the commander in chief, the one person tasked with defending the country. 

  4. Just what some (mostly rabid sycophantic MAGA) Republicans do. Don’t put everyone in one basket.

  5. GammaRaystogo on

    Factual article, recaps R escapades over the last 60 years. Worthwhile refresher, but, while true, will have no impact. We are, in fact, a failing state.

  6. StashedandPainless on

    The GOP believes that they are the only “Real Americans”. And only “Real” Americans are entitled to power in America.

    They don’t see stealing elections as wrong, they see it as returning power to its rightful owners.

    Just like everything comes back to narcissism with trump, everything with the GOP comes back to this. Democrats are less jingoistic than republicans, the voting base is less white and Christian, the voting base lives in multi-cultural cities instead of small town “real America”. To the GOP, all of this makes Democrats “less American”. Because to them, an American is a rural white dude with a flag in the pack of his pick up truck

  7. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 86%. (I’m a bot)
    > One of the mentions in Smith's most recent recounting of Trump's crimes around January 6 has an unnamed co-conspirator arguing that they needed to blow up the 2020 vote-counting process, much as Republicans had done in 2000: "When the colleague suggested that there was about to be unrest reminiscent of the Brooks Brothers Riot, a violent effort to stop the vote count in Florida after the 2000 presidential election, [redacted] responded, 'Make them riot' and 'Do it!!!'".

    > The simple reality is that Al Gore won Florida in 2000, won the national popular vote that year by a half-million, and that five Republicans on the Supreme Court-along with a crime committed by Bush's brother-denied him the presidency.

    > Katherine Harris's decision to not count the 45,599 more votes for Gore than Bush was completely arbitrary: There was no legal category and no legal precedent, outside of the old Confederate states simply refusing to count the votes of Black people, to justify it.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~694608 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **vote**^#1 **Bush**^#2 **president**^#3 **election**^#4 **crime**^#5

  8. I don’t find it shocking. We all saw this play out in real time almost four years ago. The details we see being revealed now are trivial compared to the broad strokes of Trump’s plotting to overthrow the election and incite violence as needed to do so, which we all saw being done in the open.

    At the time, by late November I was certain he was planning a coup attempt, I just wasn’t sure when and how, but by December, when he announced his Jan 6 rally, it was obvious to me that this would be the scene where he attempted it. I told friends at the time that he was planning a coup in broad daylight, and I couldn’t believe nothing was being done to stop him. It was obvious weeks in advance of Jan 6. My source of information that led me to conclude this was primarily clips of Trump’s own words posted on YouTube by fans who attended his rallies, plus the pattern of his rallies. First off, why would a candidate who sincerely contests the results of the election do rallies anyway? Any correction of election results would be done by election officials in the various states. It’s a matter for bureaucrats, lawyers, and the campaign, not the president or the people. Secondly, look at many of his rally locations. These were not in contested areas where he could be seen as making his case to the people in the hopes that they contact their state officials to look into the matter. They were overwhelmingly in heavily pro-Trump areas within a day’s drive of DC. He wasn’t contesting the results in any sensible legal way, he was raising an army with his speeches. He was going to primarily loyal areas, especially areas with strong gun ownership and anti-government culture and sentiments, all within a reasonable travel distance to DC, and stirring people up with lies. Then he invited the same people to come to DC on the day the vote would be certified by Congress.

    The plan and intent is crystal clear at that point, just from information that was publicly available almost four fucking years ago.

    So, no, these details are not “shocking”. They’re entirely to be expected.

    What’s actually shocking is that he wasn’t arrested the instant his term in office was over, that he hasn’t been held in jail pending trial on these charges, and that our federal government, the DOJ, and rule of law in this country, things I was raised to believe had robust protections built in to ensure our continued democracy and freedom, have proven to be so feeble that they can be brought to a standstill by one angry, unhinged, pants-pissing geriatric, simply due to the amount of money he can harness.

  9. LittleBallOfWait on

    >“When a colleague suggested that there was about to be unrest reminiscent of the Brooks Brothers Riot, a violent effort to stop the vote count in Florida after the 2000 presidential election, [redacted] responded ‘Make them riot’ and ‘Do it!!!’ The defendant’s Campaign operatives and supporters used similar tactics at other tabulation centers, including in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the defendant sometimes used the resulting confrontations to falsely claim that his election observers were being denied proper access, thus serving as a predicate to the defendant’s claim that fraud must have occurred in the observers’ absence.”

    The Supreme Court corruption is worse than Trump’s personal corruption with White House access, pardons for dollars, etc. Nothing about Jan 6 had anything to do with him being president, obviously. He attempted to use the power of the office as a private candidate to cheat the legal results of an election. How can that ever be an official act of any position in a democratic country? Bonkers, ffs.

  10. Can’t it be both?

    It shocking that it’s normal behavior for a prominent political party in the US.

  11. Delay… Delay… Delay… How dare you make these accusations so close to an election!

  12. Listening_Heads on

    I don’t find it shocking because NOTHING Is going to come of it. I repeat: NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO TRUMP BECAUSE OF THIS. If you still have expectations that Trump is going to prison please prepare yourself for massive disappointment. The system has bent over backwards to let Trump off the hook and will continue to do so for as long as he can possibly win the presidency. After that, those helping him will cease to care and then maybe there will be tiny consequences. But until he stops having 60+ million supporters who threaten to split to Republican Party in half, expect all republicans to pull every string they can for Trump.

  13. dems should take a page out of the MAGA book. all their talk about being patriots and fighting a tyranical government is what dems should be saying about THIS and how nothing is ever done about it.

  14. Question: how widely is the special counsel report findings being shown in the US media? As in, being in a relevant first page? As a foreigner, it doesnt seem to have taken traction as it should have

  15. Elections are never stolen so people really need to stop repeating that lie. Doing so is why Trump has gotten so much traction. There is a reason why every avenue Trump used to make those claims have turned up empty. It’s not within the realms of possibility. For a reason…..our weak point isn’t the elections. Our weak point is weak people who don’t want to except the results of the election.

    “It’s just what republicans do”….in recent years yes. It’s important not to conflate then and now. The party has taken quite some time to devolve and the absolute bat shit nonsense has not always been the party identity.
    I think the Republicans that have stood up to bullshit show the ghost of what that party once was.

  16. Elegant_Plate6640 on

    A good deal of Smith’s filing is things we already knew about.

    Smith has shown repeatedly that he’s not trying to drop truth bombs, he’s just doing something he does well, which is gathering evidence. He hardly speaks out of turn; he’s not using this to run for office. The times we’ve seen him “turned down” either by Cannon or the Supreme Court, we’ve seen him work within the system to continue the work he was already doing.

  17. themolenator617 on

    Register to vote. Check voter registration.

    Help friends check their voter registration status.

    Make a plan to vote.

    Offer to drive a friend to vote with you.

    Sign up to work the election if you’re able to.

    Complacency is a one way ticket to a guaranteed loss.

    Always assume polls are wrong
    Never assume your party will win
    Feeling comfortable should be uncomfortable

  18. Capt_Pickhard on

    What a stupid headline. It is what they do, but that doesn’t make it less shocking or egregious.

    What garbage. Fuck those pieces of shit, and I hope they pay for their treason to the full extent of the law.

  19. The conservative BS has been tolerated for centuries because it has always been more important to find some level of compromise to move the country forward through what ever social, financial or war crisis conservatives have created while in power.

  20. BriefausdemGeist on

    There’s also almost no new information if you have a functioning memory of prior public statements.

  21. supersonicvinyl on

    its really the “American Fascist Party”, not Republicans anymore. i think we should all call it what it is and just face the truth here. thats the problem we’re treating repubs like theyre not really fascists or normalizing this like its just the same old thing. its simply not. you cant debate fascism, you have to stomp it out

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