Asteroid that eradicated dinosaurs not a one-off, say scientists: Scans of underwater crater in West Africa suggest another large asteroid smashed into the planet around the same time

Source: Wandering_News_Junky


  1. TruthExecutionist on

    As someone with an irrational fear of asteroids, this is certainly nightmare fuel.

  2. I could stay awake just to hear you breathing. Watch you smile while you are sleeping, while you’re far away and dreaming. I could spend my life in this sweet surrender. I could stay lost in this moment forever, where every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure.

  3. ThemosttrustedFries on

    The Asteroid might have splitted into 2 or even several more pieces when it got into Earth’s orbit. The America continent and Africa continent was much closer 65 million years ago. There is also the whole theory about Deccan Traps being among what killed the Dinosaurs but was the Asteroid impact the reason for why the Deccan traps erupted so much basalt lava? I don’t really know but maybe the shockwaves from the Asteroid impact disrupted the earth’s core and cause the flow of lava to go to the opposite direction of Earth because of the impact.

  4. The second asteroid proves that it was deliberate. Alien terrorists waging war on dinosaurs!

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