JD Vance is a con artist, and the debate proved it

Source: Signal-Lie-6785


  1. You mean the guy that called trump “Americas Hitler” and then bent the knee to get the VP slot might not be trustworthy?

    Say it ain’t so!

  2. Vance was using that stage pretending he was going to be president one day.

    Vance is a fool if he thinks his career won’t ultimately be destroyed by Trump in the end.

  3. anti_hope_dealer on

    what republican isn’t a con artist ready to sell out one half of America for some vacation per diem while wanting to imprison and abuse the other these days? We knew what vance was before the debate. And he’s the same person now after. But something that would be nice to see in some setting, preferably a setting like last night’s, is a self-assured representative call vance out on his bullshit and politely dismantle the tech bro piece by piece until his cries himself back to the moldy teet of zuckerberg.

  4. Vance couldn’t admit trump lost the election, said 1/6 was a peaceful transfer of power on 1/20 and said Trump saved the ACA lies just as much as his boss. Sad.

  5. Since the GOP has already put another well known con artist in high regards at the top of their ranks, this is completely irrelevant.

  6. Ever since the Gore/Bush debate I have consistently noticed that it doesn’t matter who wins a debate on points. The spin, the SNL skits, the likeable narrative in the critical 24 hours after the debate is what matters.
    The consensus that seems to have emerged is Vance is a liar who is gaslighting women and is untrustworthy. (It helps that he gives Gilead vibes every time he opens his mouth). Walz was shaky, but it reinforced the idea that he is not comfortable with performative politics.
    (Of course no one can salvage a disastrous performance like Biden/Trump or Trump/Harris)

  7. Cautious-Chip-6010 on

    He has great lying skills.

    1.illegal immigrants are trafficking guns into US from Mexico. Fact: Guns are manufactured in the U.S and trafficked into Mexico.

    2. Trump saved Obama care. Fact: Trump failed to kill Obama care because of McCain and he complained it many times.

    3.i never support abortion ban. Fact: it was in his website.

  8. Proper-Toe7170 on

    Defending Trump is like being the defense attorney for an asbestos manufacturer. Actually that’s not fair to asbestos

  9. He’s everything that conservatives claim to hate, yet here he is. A visibly soft, noticeably shifty Yale lawyer with guyliner, and with the energy of a sweaty timeshare salesman who’s about to miss his monthly goal. It’d be funny if he wasn’t a feeble old man’s dying McDonald’s fart away from the presidency.

  10. “Artist” is giving him too much credit at his ability to Con. More like Con Amateur.

  11. The word is opportunist. As long as he doesn’t let his principles get in the way, he keeps getting opportunities.

  12. Purple_Daikon_7383 on

    He’s a sycophant ready to take over maga when Trump bites the dust

    Trump is Maga it ends with him.

  13. ToysAndCardsNY on

    He made my skin crawl and the hair on my neck rise every time he spoke. It was all lies and it was terrifying to see just how good he is at laundering lies into reasonable sounding responses that are completely detached from reality. The claims he made about Trump and Obamacare and Trump and the election were soviet-level propaganda. But because he didn’t act like Trump, the media is treating him like a normal candidate and not the guy who was first to spread the lies about eating cats and dogs and who routinely says crazy and sociopathic comments about women and minorities.

    He is a sociopath, a complete sociopath.

  14. I don’t believe in an abortion ban, I want limits. Limits are bans. Particularly the ones you want.

  15. > No, the man who made millions as a corporate lawyer and ruthless venture capitalist used the debate to reinvent himself as a dedicated servant of the downtrodden and dispossessed. He flipped the playbook on the Harris-Walz campaign and at every turn tried to address the concerns of America’s middle class. With a straight face, he even managed to seem like he takes climate change seriously.

    > Vance’s debate performance was an elaborate ruse, whether he was talking about himself or his running mate. As the Wall Street Journal noted, “JD Vance’s Version of Trump Is Better Than the Real Thing.”

    > Let the voter beware.

    This really sums up why the debate was so disheartening for me. Vance did a great job of presenting a sanitized, sympathetic, sanewashed version of himself in the most high-profile public appearance he’ll have during the whole campaign cycle, and *Walz helped him do it.* This was not the time for the “aw shucks, we’re just two normal guys who disagree about policy” shtick.

  16. we_are_sex_bobomb on

    What he did on that stage was like writing an Amazon product description for a wrench when he’s actually selling a tea set.

    Like it made absolutely no sense. He said the complete opposite things in many cases from what he and his campaign have been saying for months.

    It made absolutely no sense.

  17. GrumblyData3684 on

    Something small I noticed, I think Vance said that trade with China hasn’t reduced prices. People forget that consumer electronics and home goods are WAY cheaper than they were prior to the late 90’s.

    You can argue if that’s a good or bad thing, whatever.

    The fact that if most peoples 60″+ TV broke it wouldn’t be a crippling financial blow, speaks alot.

  18. an_agreeing_dothraki on

    I used my experience with living in Misery to call out Vance as a spineless weasel (I apologized to weasels) the second he was nominated.

    and again, I’m sorry all Mustelidae. from the goof noodles to the fancy weasels. The comparison was cruel to you. Except sea otters. you know what you did.

  19. JD Vance is the long con of the GOP. Billionaires like Thiel, Musk, Murdoch, etc. know that, ultimately, Trump is a loser even though he brings useful idiots to the polls. They believe Vance, who is easier to control, will also do that and bring in more low-information voters.

    If they lose this election (fingers crossed), Vance will spend the next four years as the leader of MAGA as well as branding himself as more moderate. His 2028 campaign is probably already forming, and, like the debate, it will be 100% gaslighting to hide their far-right Christian Fascist agenda for America.

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