Concern at police officers “refusing” to guard Jewish buildings –

Source: numanum


  1. I kept reading expecting that there would be an explanation at what one might “conscientiously object” to when concerning Jewish places of worship and actual Holocaust memorials but, alas, it was not to be.

    So I feel comfortable in then expressing my following query: excuse me what the fuck

  2. ““But you should leave it at home. As a police officer, as soon as you put on your uniform you have a job to do, and that job is totally neutral.””

    Yeh. If you cannot do that, resign and don’t be a police officer.

  3. If the police will not guard the buildings, how soon before they won’t guard the people?

    That’s when the pogroms start.

  4. Those are the ‘Dutch’ police men

    Because of diversity, some peeps are allowed without a full check; it would be discrimination and racism.

    Thank you.

    Now the Jewish followers.
    Next those, who they don’t like ..
    )white / black / yellow / other religious people?)

  5. >“Police staff are people and they have the right to their own views and the emotions that go with them,” she said.

    But in uniform they cannot act on or express that. They are state employees and can’t subjectively choose who to protect and serve.

  6. hunterbidenisaddict on

    This is some major BS. i am dutch and this disgusts me. Police are not people once the put the uniform on. You do not have a religion or skin colour. you are simply the police, you must defend,guard and protect everyone.

  7. Are_you_blind_sir on

    Jews have the right to exist without having to worry about the safety of their families or property.

  8. Seymourebuttss on

    ‘Freedom of religion’ – yeah. We gave them a finger and they are slowly taking the hand. Protesting against it is often labelled as racism. When we protested against female cops wearing a hijab, some said jewish officers could wear a kippah, so equality…except there are no jewish police officers wearing a kippah (too dangerous).

  9. It’s very simple you either treat people the same no matter their background or you are unsuitable for the police 

  10. Kinda difficult to defend against a violent group of people you secretly agree with. Also see: the US Capitol Insurrection.

  11. Why do the buildings require guarding in the first place? There’s no need to guard them here in Poland, yet the West loves to paint us as some gigantic antisemites. Maybe they should take care of their own countries first?

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