Biden doesn’t want Israeli retaliatory strike on Iranian nuclear sites

Source: Moosecockasaurus


  1. > “We’ll be discussing with the Israelis what they’re going to do, but all seven of us (G7 nations) agree that they have a right to respond, but they should respond proportionally,”

    So over a hundred ballistic missiles? That sounds reasonable.

  2. >but they should respond proportionally

    Excuse me Mr. President but this can mean a lot of things based on previous track records.

  3. Biden does not want (officially) Israel to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities.

    But Biden will look the other way should Israel decide to attack Iran’s nuclear sites. After all, Israel does have the right to selfdefense.

  4. Sensitive-Cat-6069 on

    I love it how a bunch of people who enjoy safe skies over their heads every day and take it for granted, are telling a country where missiles are raining down daily from 5 different directions what a proportionate response should be.

  5. We all saw the clips. Imagine a time in the future when Iran showers Israel. Only this time some have nuclear warheads. No nation would sit on their hands and let Iran develop that capability. Everyone can see what will happen next.

  6. Less_Tension_1168 on

    Common sense tells us what’s happening next. Israel is going to destroy Iran. United States can’t help but be involved. Look at the agenda.

  7. I mean. They sent 200 ballistic missile. I think it’s only fair if Israel sends 200 back

  8. People need to sit back and realize that Israel is capable of fending back all of Iran’s proxies, plus the occasional Iranian sucker punch by itself with the US tying one of Israel’s hands behind its back.

    If I’m Iranian I sure don’t want the IRGC to escalate this any further.

    At one point I was kind of frustrated with the way the US was managing Israel. But now I see that intentionally or not, it’s actually kind of a huge display of power.

    It’s like a guy picks a fight with you at a bar, and even with your friend trying to hold you back, you manage to knock out three of them as they come to try to take you out. No one fucks with you after that.

  9. Proportionality doesn’t win wars. It just guarantees a rematch. Crushing your enemies Is what wins wars.

  10. I don’t understand the logic behind this

    My understanding is that these are facilities used exclusively to enrich weapons grade uranium/plutonium. It is 100% a military target. What’s the proportionality ratio of military bases to enrichment facilities?

    The only way I could understand is if these are the same facilities used to enrich uranium for nuclear reactors making it also civilian infrastructure yet it would still lose its protected status once used military purposes

  11. it will be unfortunate if we’re stuck with the same cabinet because of the senate but I am really hoping kamala takes a less soft approach to foreign policy if she wins

  12. Repond proportionally?

    The US would straight up destroy any country that attempted something like this on them. But hey, any other country just has to suck it up.

  13. He’s just doing the best he can to prevent a full scale war that gets everybody involved in it.

  14. SupernovaSurprise on

    Aren’t most of Iran’s nuclear facilities deep under mountains? I don’t really know much about Iran, I just saw a video recently talking about how hard it would be to hit Iran’s nuclear facilities because they are buried so deep under mountains. It was more in the context of the USA, but the video claimed these facilities were way deeper than the USA’s best bunker busters could hit. If true, it seems you’d only be able to get them via a brutal ground assault.

    However I have no idea how true it is. It was interesting, but not a subject I cared enough about to verify its accuracy.

  15. Biden doesn’t want Israeli retaliatory strike on Iranian nuclear sitesBiden doesn’t want Israeli retaliatory strike on Iranian nuclear sites


  16. Since it’s going to be such a tight race between Kamala and Trump, this is all about optics. Muslim minorities in swing states……Politics 101.

    If we were 2 months ahead and dems are triumphant, different story. None of this is coincidental. Same with rest of G7. Vocal muslim minorities (for now) + useful idiots/propaganda influencing politics.

  17. Yeah, Israel should definitely avoid going after Irans nuclear program. Because we know if they ever get nukes they would never give small tactical devices to anyone to detonate inside Israel.

    I think we can trust Iran to only use their power for good.

  18. If the US was attacked with a rain of ballistic misiles, would the US limit itself to a “proportionate attack” or would the US give a heavy response to make it clear you don’t mess with us?

    Honestly the whole world would be a much better place if we put Iran in its place instead of being complacent (complicit)…

  19. The Biden/Harris strategy of not letting allies respond in force is why the wars in the Ukraine and in Israel has been dragging so long.

    Now they staged this theater with Iran firing at a specified time with US interceptions and then Israel not being allowed to react.

    Enough. The Harris objection to Israel going into Rafah demonstrates that the Democrats are just buying time at any cost.

  20. Wtf is a proportional response to essentially having the ENTIRE state of Israel attacked with hundreds of ballistic weapons by an Islamic country that is developing nuclear weapons and is OPENLY stating that it seeks to destroy Israel???

    Washington needs a wake up call. America would burn anyone for 10th of the attack. It would literally end that country.

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