The Ukrainian Army Rolled All Of Its Best Swedish And German Tanks Into Russia’s Kursk Oblast

Source: eaglemaxie



    You know, back in WW2, Germany needed iron ore from Sweden. I wonder if the Swedish and German tanks have Swedish iron in them as they advance to defend Ukraine.

  2. I love visiting Oryx site and [seeing the utter carnage wrought against Putin’s forces](, but my mood is saddened when I view [Ukraine’s lost equipment]( Even the advanced western tanks and armored vehicles provided by NATO are not invulnerable to Russian drone and missile attacks. What a colossal waste of human lives in the name of feeding a geriatric despot’s ego.

  3. Well that explains why Sweden sent in a hurry a metric fucktonne of Bofors ammo to Ukraine. CV and Leos are hungry, and they for sure will be eatin’. The wolfpack is in its natural habitat now..

    Godspeed fellas

  4. DramaticWesley on

    It’s so nice of Ukraine to show the Russians what a real modern tank looks like.

  5. Mission_Scale_860 on

    The Swedish tanks are doing what they were designed for, killing Ruzzians. Crazy to once again have Swedish steel inside of Russia

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