Vance says immigrants caused a housing shortage. Economists disagree.

Source: foyeldagain


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  2. “Vance told a racist lie about immigrants during debate”

    That’s a bit more honest of a title

  3. RamonaQ-JunieB on

    According to what Vance said last night, immigrants are the cause of everything that is wrong, ever has been wrong, or ever will be wrong in this country.

  4. Walz tried to call him out on it too.

    It’s simply doesn’t make sense the illegal immigrants are flush with cash buying up all the housing and driving prices up.

  5. Schrödinger’s immigrant: poor and sucking up all of our resources, whilst rich and buying up houses with cash offers.

  6. No_Material5630 on

    According to Vance the following are caused by illegal immigration:    

    Job market and low wages     

    Housing crisis   

    Healthcare costs and horrible coverage 


    Illegal weapons  

     Illegal drug use    


    Pet cuisine   

    Mind Hunter season 3 not existing  

     A temporary second moon    

     I know I’m missing other things.  

     Edit due to formatting 

  7. Very_Nice_Zombie on

    You know who else agrees?

    Every sane person.

    This fucknig twat spat out lie after lie but in a very professional way and everyone’s raving how great he is.

    fuck this country. I’m embarrassed to be American.

  8. In other news.


    As of now, the CEOs of the top 5 U.S. housing developers are not publicly known to be immigrants. Here’s a quick overview of their leadership:

    1. D.R. Horton: David V. Auld is the CEO. He has been with the company for several years and is U.S.-born.

    2. Lennar Corporation: Stuart Miller served as CEO and is now Executive Chairman, with Rick Beckwitt as the co-CEO. Both have strong ties to the U.S. and are American-born.

    3. PulteGroup: Ryan Marshall is the CEO. He is also U.S.-born and has held various positions within the company before becoming CEO.

    4. NVR, Inc.: Paul C. Saville served as CEO until 2022 and was succeeded by Eugene Bredow. Both are American-born.

    5. Toll Brothers: Douglas C. Yearley, Jr. is the CEO and has been with the company for many years. He is also U.S.-born.

    None of these current CEOs are immigrants, though they have diverse backgrounds within the U.S. business community.

  9. I have an issue with this quote from one of the economists:

    >“I don’t think [new immigrants] are demanding the same type of dwellings that are pulling up prices,” said Dany Bahar, an economist at Brown University and nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. “These people are not competing for the same households as middle-class Americans.”

    The problem here is assuming that housing prices are up only for “middle-class households.” Rent has certainly gone up for plenty of working class people over the last few years, even if it’s stabilized in some places this year. I don’t know why there’s always this weird assumption that “housing” just means suburban homes and not renting. It sounds almost like a denial that there’s a housing crisis affecting so many people.

    Now, are immigrants causing it? Clearly they’re not at fault, but it’s tough to think the laws of supply and demand don’t apply to them. Yes, migrants tend to be poor and often live with family, but the more people in an area who want housing of any kind, the higher the price is going to be. That doesn’t mean we should deport them or put the blame on them, though. The issue, as Walz said, is needing more supply of affordable housing.

  10. Sunshinehappyfeet on

    “If I have to create [fabricate] stories so that the American media [rubes] actually pays attention to the suffering [whiny snowflakes] of the American people [racists] then that’s what I’m going to do [because I’m a pathological liar.].” Vance said.

    Excerpt taken from this article with a tiny bit of embellished editing:

    Vote Blue.

  11. How many peoples grandparents were immigrants?  My grandma immigrated here from nazi Germany and built herself a life.

    Was she stealing homes from poor white Americans?

    This shit is so despicable and right out of the nazi playbook, non stop, constant scapegoating of a group of people

  12. Vance is a fucking moron. How official title should be..

    I say stupid dumb shit out loud.

  13. “Don’t trust the experts, trust me. It was the immigrants.”

    “Don’t trust the videos, trust me. We had a peaceful transfer of power.”

    “Don’t look at the reversal of Roe v. Wade, trust me. I care about the right to choose.”

    “Don’t look at all the times we tried to repeal Obamacare, trust me. We saved it.”

    I’m detecting a theme here…

  14. CakeAccomplice12 on

    I fucking hate the headline format of

    ‘here is a blatant, easily provable lie.  Others disagree with the lie’

  15. florkingarshole on

    Vance has identified a scapegoat for any problem, actual or perceived, while ignoring any effort to actually resolve the issue by going after its true causes.

    We have the ability produce plenty to satiate the hunger of the poor, but there will never be enough to satisfy the greed of the wealthy.

  16. illegals aren’t cutting taxes for the rich so they can buy all the housing making our lives harder.

    Illegals didn’t try to kill democracy on January 6th.

    Illegals can’t vote. Republicans are the ones voting to cut medicare medicaid food stamps and education funding.

    Republicans are ruining this country. That rapist fuck criminal Donald Epstein Trump is killing this country not immigrants.

    Stop printing money for Israel driving up inflation. That isn’t Illegals printing money for Israel.

    Republicans are driving Americans to hate minorities so their donors get richer. Fuck Maga and the Republican party.

    Republicans did not pass the border bill. Republicans didn’t secure the border under Trump or Biden.

    Republicans are clowns Beetlejucie Boebart, Marjorie Space Lasers, Matt Fucks Kids Gatez, Jim Clown Show Jordan aren’t passing laws they are cry baby bitch losers like Trump.

  17. It is as if Mencken and Rogers actually knew Vance:

    H.L. Mencken(US reporter, literary critic, editor, author of the early 20th century) once noted:

    * It is the classic fallacy of our time that a moron run through a university and decorated with a Ph.D. will thereby cease to be a moron.

    Will Rogers(early 20th century US entertainer/humorist):

    * “The one way to detect a feeble-minded man is get one arguing on economics.”

  18. TrumptyPumpkin on

    Everything is because of immigrants apparently. It’s Trump’s one trick Pony because he lacks any other sort of messaging.

    heck, I’m surprised they haven’t blamed the weather on immigrants yet.

  19. fistofthefuture on

    “Vote for Trump because a man with his life in a pillowcase just crossed the border and outbid you and you lost out on your 800k 2 acre ranch.” /s

  20. Don’t trust the experts. Trust the wisdom and common sense of Donald Trump.

    JFC Vance is a stooge.

  21. I’m furious that the Republican Death Cult has been pushing this cruel false anti-immigrant rhetoric so much. We need border/immigration policy that is founded on neighborly hospitality and respect and kindness, not on hateful xenophobia and lies. And any Americans who call themselves Christian would do well to remember Leviticus 19:34: “the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.”

  22. EyeOfTheTiger77 on

    Does anyone seriously think illegal immigrants, most of whom can’t rub two nickels together, are somehow qualifying for loans and plunking down enough for a down payment? Or are we to assume they are paying cash?

    It’s idiotic. I seriously worry about anyone who believes this. It’s so outlandish.

  23. What about the elephant in the room? Are we going to talk about big investors both foreign and domestic buying up the housing inventory and driving up rental prices and home prices? Yes, there’s a shortage in construction; but there’s also an issue with corporations buying up available stock and driving up prices for individual buyers.

    There’s also the issue of collusion among investors to charge above market rates across the board for rentals. The DOJ currently has a lawsuit against REALPAGE.

  24. platanthera_ciliaris on

    In theory, more housing is built in response to demand. More people in the country means more demand. The US has a long history of steady population growth that was caused, in whole or in part, by immigration. During most of this time, housing costs and rental costs did not increase dramatically. So if they are increasing dramatically in price now, this implies that immigration is unlikely to be the cause of it, certainly not the complete cause.

    Another problem is the fact that many immigrants work for the housing construction industry, and their departure would make it more expensive for this industry to build homes, condos, and apartment buildings because they would have to pay their workers more in order to attract enough non-immigrant workers to take their place. And this would result in higher prices for houses and rent. And not only would there be these increases, other sectors of the economy would see price increases.

  25. Vance should have tried to attend a few more classes (and stayed awake) at OSU and Yale. He might have learned something useful.

  26. Good people, please don’t repeat that racist word, “illegals”, to describe undocumented immigrants. Also, wrt “illegal aliens”: This is a dehumanizing term. No person can ever be “illegal”. Thank you.

  27. Time-Radish8464 on

    Immigrants are both so poor that they need to steal and eat pets to survive, but also rich enough to be able to afford housing that American citizens cannot.

  28. Dense-Comfort6055 on

    Nope. No where close to truth. Housing crisis started with economic crisis and housing never rebounded

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