Trump ‘pursued multiple criminal means to overturn election’ new special counsel filing claims

Source: theindependentonline


  1. The man really should be behind bars instead of running for president. Future historians are going to think we were completely fools and blame us for all the aftermath.

  2. This is fake news. It’s not criminal if I do it because the Supreme Court said that any Official Acts were permissible. And I don’t do any acts that were not or are not Official. You can trust me because I never tell a lie. I even put my hand on one of my Bibles and swore to only do Official Acts. /s

  3. Sunshinehappyfeet on

    And Trump has/had so many willing traitors to make it happen.

    Country over party.

    Vote Blue.

  4. Of course he did. But his fans are too far gone. They WANT him to overturn the election.

    They think he is their savior because he will FORCE their beliefs onto the rest of us.

  5. whatlineisitanyway on

    With the immense money advantage Harris has she should buy an infomercial where all the public evidence against Trump is presented.

  6. Manyworldsonceagain on

    Trump will argue that it’s not possible to separate the Office of the President from the person occupying the office AS President, therefore ALL actions by President Trump MUST be viewed as official Presidential acts performed by the person occupying the Office of the President

    I.e. Actions by President Trump to benefit candidate Trump are still acts by the person occupying the office.

  7. ConsiderationWild833 on

    As we all watched and already knew. Everyone who supports him is a traitor and a coward. This is for our nation and this ilk wants blood. I’d prefer it was their own if they chose this path to foolishness.

  8. Ornery-Ticket834 on

    His stench on America is permanent and will remain whether he is re elected or not.

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