Bloc leader says ultimatum stands after Liberals vote against motion seeking boost to seniors’ benefits

Source: cyclinginvancouver


  1. The ultimatum is fair and the 2 points are good for all Canadians.

    If the Libs refuse to adopt those 2 bills then they deserve to lose a non-confidence vote imho.

  2. > ensure that a royal recommendation is granted as soon as possible” to a private member’s bill known as Bill C-319, which proposes a 10 per cent increase to Old Age Security (OAS) payouts for seniors ages 65 to 74.

    That isn’t much of an increase, barely keeps up with inflation of the past few years.

    Seems like a no-brainer for the Liberal government to support in order to keep from a non-confidence motion.

  3. ArrogantFoilage on

    This would not be the hill I’d expect them to die on. But it might be a fitting conclusion for a very odd last few years.

  4. takeoff_power_set on

    fuck this government.

    Get it over with so the criminal investigations and imprisonment for treason can begin.

  5. Median income in 2022 was $43,100.

    I’m in favour of bumping OAS if clawback is at 100% by this amount of earnings.

    OAS is just welfare and it should not be for those earning more than most Canadians.

  6. The Bloc need to give their head a shake – give the demographic with the most money and assets more, and have the young pay for it /s

    Up the GIS if you want to buy old people’s votes.

    I don’t know Quebec politics – how are the Bloc fairing? Will Liberals vote for them over NDP and Cons?

    I want Tom Mulcair back as leader of NDP.

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