Donald Trump says schools are now almost exclusively teaching kids how to be transgender — He claims he saw “programs” that showed that schools aren’t teaching math or reading anymore, they’re just teaching “transgender.”

Source: OkayButFoRealz


  1. Is the old man just hopelessly confused or does Trump actually believe any of this bullshit that he is spouting? It is so far removed from reality that one has to wonder.

  2. Hey media it is head splittingly frustrating to watch you continue to fail and fail and fucking fail to cover how insane and misinformed and mendacious Trump is.

  3. >”We want reading, writing, and arithmetic,” he said. “Right now, you have mostly transgender. Everything’s transgender.”

    The man with the ‘best brain’ said this.

  4. JD Vance admitted on national television that he and Trump have to lie and make up things in order to get any traction with anyone.

    This is one of those lies.

  5. I don’t know which is worse, him saying something so fucking stupid, or the fact that there are plenty of stupid people who believe this shit. 🤦‍♂️

  6. I have a kid in school, I can confirm they’re hardcore teaching math and other school shit.

  7. I_like_baseball90 on

    Come on. I realize his cult is made up of the dumbest fucking people on earth but even they don’t believe this stupidity.

  8. yourlittlebirdie on

    It’s true, my kids’ homework is just worksheets that say nothing but “transgender transgender transgender.”

  9. iforgotmymittens on

    I failed transgender algebra and home transgendernomics, my parents are going to kill me 😩😬

  10. Yousoggyyojimbo on

    My dad would fucking believe this and that makes me really sad.

    He hasn’t set foot in a school for any reason in almost 20 years but he believes every fucking thing he hears about teachers and schools.

  11. The world according to Trump:

    “Hey son, did you do your math homework?”

    “I’m a girl. The teacher gave me a sex change operation and all the hormones I would ever need. And we don’t have math homework. Just transgender!”

    “That’s great, daughter! Let’s go vote for Lyin’ (L-Y-I-N-apostrophe) Ka-ma-la. And take a bunch of illegal aliens with us to do the same before the Ka-ma-la pays for their sex changes.”


  12. Please… somebody… anybody… give me a lobotomy now so I no longer have the ability to comprehend this fucking moronic weirdo!!

  13. Elegant_Accident2035 on

    We’ve seen him struggle with reading, we’ve seen him not understand how tarrifs work (there’s numbers in there lol) and he wears make-up. So, I’m guessing he thinks nothings changed in education in nearly 75 years.

  14. SillyGoatGruff on

    Donald Trump says ~~schools are now almost exclusively teaching kids how to be transgender — He claims he saw “programs” that showed that schools aren’t teaching math or reading anymore, they’re just teaching “transgender.”~~ consistently the stupidest shit you can imagine

  15. None of this matters, his base is going to vote for him and they are powerful and numerous. The only way to beat him is to get as many Harris supporters to the polls as possible. This election will be won with enthusiasm, that is the only thing that matters at this point. No ridiculous statement, gaffe or legal revelation is going to stop MAGA. WE ARE GOING TO STOP MAGA.


    They’re teachin’ the “transgender” in the schools?! They use to just beat the crap out of “them” & by “them” I mean me. No, I won’t vote for you. Bye, Felicia!

  17. Amazing-Artichoke330 on

    Trump’s statements are becoming increasingly crazy. One reason is that the media only pay attention to him now when he says something outrageous. His comments started pretty crazy in 2015, and have ramped up since then. One consequence is that more and more people are turned off, not on, by his rants. Does he actually believe this crap? Who knows?

  18. Only4DNDandCigars on

    Can confirm, got my Master’s degree in Transgender Identity terms with. Minor in butt sculpting. My thesis was the rapid denigration of Christian values in a constantly Trans-forming world. I presented it to the libs after we discussed the gay agenda but before closing remarks on what we wanted to cancel next. PS, the avocado toast was delicious at the meetings.

  19. SuperChimpMan on

    We should honestly thank Trump for pointing out how insanely fucking stupid so many of our neighbors are. If we take this opportunity to come to grips with just how stupid and unprepared we really are in America maybe we can move forward. Because holy shit, these guys are seriously dangerously ignorant and stupid. They should not be making decisions for themselves let alone for society.

  20. Altruistic_Chair9402 on

    My wife is a high school biology teacher. I can confirm that transgender is not a part of any of her lectures.

  21. So I can scrap the always dreaded Gilgamesh unit for 11th grade English and instead just tell the kids to be trans?

    That’s going to save me some serious effort.


  22. Oh my lord. Will the Republicans please leave me and my people alone? I can’t even go to the bathroom in many places and these asshats want me to believe that there’s a powerful cabal of teachers leading a nationwide movement to trans all the kids.

  23. High school math teacher here; if I could indoctrinate my students, they would be able to do simple multiplication and division without a calculator. I have no idea what trump is going on about.

  24. It’s true. “English” is just drag queen story time. Math is figuring out how to vote twice. Health is solely about abortions. Gym is tweaking and shifting in a litter box. History is just the whole class beating up white kids.

    Source: i am the principle of imaginary liberal high school in Transfrancisco

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