After pressing an Israel-Hezbollah cease-fire, the Biden administration shifts its message

Source: BobbyLucero


  1. > “The Biden administration says there is a significant difference between Israeli actions that have expanded its war against the Iranian-backed militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran’s retaliatory missile attack against Israel, which it condemned as escalatory.”

    It’s a bit of a delicate tight-rope in being supportive of Ukraine’s push into Russian territory in order to protect their border region from rocket/artillery attacks and simultaneously condemning Israel for doing the exact same thing against Hezbollah.

  2. If Iran keeps messing with the bull they’re gonna get the horns. The US is a huge ally of Israel. Iran should never forget that.

  3. Honestly iran just needs to go dude rip the band aid off. Playing this tip toe shit is still getting people killed. If iran wants to start shit with missiles maybe them getting fucked at home will also help ukraine because they’re too busy getting bombed to supply russia.
    I get this is an election year in the US but trump has also claimed “this wouldnt happen with me in charge” which translates too i’m going to cruise missile strike iran like he did with the gas attack vengeance strike. So just let israel be israel imo we’ve seen it since ww2 that drawing things out never works ever. Also if the rolls were reversed and iran launched a missile at the US or a oct 7 style attack we would of steam rolled that country like we did with Afghanistan over 9/11.

  4. Biden is calling for a proportionate response from Israel.

    If responding to 181 ballistic missiles launched at you by shooting 181 ballistic missiles at them is considered “proportionate”, I’m all in.

  5. 2 missile attacks this year. If no response it will not stop. Id go further to say without destroying their ability to launch missiles it will not stop.

    This could escalate regionally very fast, and frankly i dont see how it doesnt.

  6. Its time for the US to pull the plug on that whole region. The reality is that all the sides in that conflict have no interest in a true peaceful situation.

    Let them fight over their sand pit until they decide they want peace.

  7. Raj_ryder_666 on

    Ive never advocated regime change since it never works and the resulting shitshow that follows is always bad but a decapitation strike on iran might actually work. Iranians hate their leadership. Israel has had enough of their shitty proxy groups. Ukraine might benefit as it cuts some russian drone and missile supplies off.

  8. Supplicationjam on

    Did any of the missles hit civilians or did they just target the military bases? I mean it’s not like they carpet bombed them like Israel has been doing.
    Pray for peace.

  9. elysianfieldsXfr6 on

    I doubt there will be a power vacuum in Persia. Khameni’s progeny is ready to step up to the plate. Just watch and wait. Israel is like a cat watching a mouse hole.😻

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