Bombshell special counsel filing includes new allegations of Trump’s ‘increasingly desperate’ efforts to overturn election

Source: mvanigan


  1. Eatthehamsters69 on

    Its like watching the titanic heading for the iceberg in slow motion, everyone can see where this is heading and its already happened before ffs, and yet people keep stearing it towards it.

  2. All of a sudden Vance’s nonanswer in the debate looks like very bad timing now, lmfao.

  3. I_like_baseball90 on

    Hold on now. According to Vance last night there was a peaceful transfer of power in 2020. Are you telling me he was lying????

  4. I smell an October surprise, BABY!

    Edit: The article has been updated. Most of what’s in here are things we already knew, but here’s the juicy piece I came across. I’m sure there’s much more to uncover as it’s still early.

    Going to continue updating here as I get through the document:

    – the filing said Trump privately called allegations of voter fraud made by his lawyer Sidney Powell as “crazy”.

    – Upon hearing news that Mike Pence had been escorted to safety, Donald Trump replied “So what?”

    – P9 (Trump campaign attorney) took on the role of updating Trump on the campaigns efforts to support any fraud claims. P9 told Trump that if they took any of these claims to court they would get slaughtered because all of the claims are “bullshit”

    – “The defendant’s steady stream of disinformation in the post-election period culminated in the speech he gave at a **privately funded, privately organized** rally at the Ellipse on the morning of January 6, 2021.

  5. troubadoursmith on

    PDF warning – but [here’s a direct link]( to the newly unsealed filing.

    Edit – off to a mighty strong start.

    >The defendant asserts that he is immune from prosecution for his criminal scheme to overturn the 2020 presidential election because, he claims, it entailed official conduct. Not so. Although the defendant was the incumbent President during the charged conspiracies, his scheme was fundamentally a private one. Working with a team of private co-conspirators, the defendant acted as a candidate when he pursued multiple criminal means to disrupt, through fraud and deceit, the government function by which votes are collected and counted—a function in which the defendant, as President, had no official role. In Trump v. United States, 144 S. Ct. 2312 (2024), the Supreme Court held that presidents are immune from prosecution for certain official conduct—including the defendant’s use of the Justice Department in furtherance of his scheme, as was alleged in the original indictment—and remanded to this Court to determine whether the remaining allegations against the defendant are immunized. The answer to that question is no. This motion provides a comprehensive account of the defendant’s private criminal conduct; sets forth the legal framework created by Trump for resolving immunity claims; applies that framework to establish that none of the defendant’s charged conduct is immunized because it either was unofficial or any presumptive immunity is rebutted; and requests the relief the Government seeks, which is, at bottom, this: that the Court determine that the defendant must stand trial for his private crimes as would any other citizen.

  6. This is great but none of it matters unless there are consequences.

    It’s clear the Republican voters don’t give a shit about our democracy and only care about winning. They’re never going to hold him accountable.

  7. Potential_Degree7089 on

    Maybe the real bombshell is how people are surprised. Trump’s legal troubles have been unfolding in public for years now. Are we just addicted to the drama at this point? What exactly will it take for these revelations to actually surprise us anymore?

  8. This is the end game folks. Trumpers will still vote trump. Aint enough of them to elect him.

  9. Blablablaballs on

    The thing is, his followers fundamentally hold the United States of America in absolute contempt, so they won’t give a damn about this. 

  10. We’re all jaded about the likelihood of this filing changing voting very much, but it does have two likely consequences. First, it may further derange the former president and cause him to look and blather even crazier and more panicky. Second, as this case heats up, it will consume more of his supporters’ dollars for legal fees.

  11. brickicecream15 on

    So…. he’s a traitor to America who tried to stage a coup. I wonder what would happen to me if I tried that?

  12. He’s fuckin Fascist. Just call it what it is. He doesn’t care about the fuckin constitution or democracy. All he cares about is consolidating his power, and he has the cult like following to fuckin do it.


  13. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 81%. (I’m a bot)
    > Special counsel Jack Smith has outlined new details of former President Donald Trump and his allies' sweeping and "Increasingly desperate" efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss, in a blockbuster court filing Wednesday aimed at defending Smith's prosecution of Trump following the Supreme Court's July immunity ruling.

    > In addition to outlining the instances when Trump was directly corrected about his allegations of voter fraud, the filing said Trump privately called allegations of voter fraud made by his lawyer Sidney Powell as "Crazy" – despite employing similar arguments to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the election, prosecutors allege.

    > Trump's lawyers opposed Wednesday's lengthy filing – which they described as "Tantamount to a premature and improper Special Counsel report" – and argued that public release of the allegations would improperly influence the election and violate Department of Justice policies.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~694577 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Trump**^#1 **election**^#2 **file**^#3 **prosecutors**^#4 **fraud**^#5

  14. There is lots of new ev8dence from witnesses in his inner circle that jan 6 comitteee never got to

  15. If this were anyone else he’d be taken into custody *right now* & the news would be covering this all night long.

  16. DoinIt4DaShorteez on

    IV. Conclusion

    Based on a “factbound analysis,” for the reasons explained above, the Court should determine that the conduct described in the factual proffer of Section I of this motion is not subject to presidential immunity. As part of this determination, the Court should specify four determinations, and do so in a single order: (1) that the Government has rebutted the presumption of immunity attached to the defendant’s official communications with the Vice President (see supra pp. 49, 63-67, 77-74; ECF No. 226 ¶¶ 11(c), 67, 70-78, 80, 82, and 84); and (2) that the remaining conduct described in Section I (that is, conduct other than the official communications with the Vice President) was not official, and, in the alternative, that the Government has rebutted any presumptive immunity for any of the remaining conduct that the Court finds to be official. The Government requests alternative rulings regarding rebuttal for all conduct the Court finds to be unofficial, to buttress the Court’s record, ensure thorough and efficient appellate review, and minimize the risk of successive rounds of interlocutory appeal.

    Furthermore, based on the determination that all the conduct described in Section I is not immune from prosecution, and because Section I encompasses all the allegations in the superseding indictment, the Court should further specify: (3) that the defendant is subject to trial on the superseding indictment; and (4) that the Government is not prohibited at trial from using evidence of the conduct described in Section I, subject at a later date to non-immunity based objections and this Court’s admissibility rulings under the Federal Rules of Evidence.

    Respectfully submitted,


    Special Counsel

  17. .. From the filing paper

    >Where the defendant was acting “as office-seeker, not office-holder,” no immunity attaches.

    This is the crux of the revision. I think success first hinges on this getting accepted.

  18. This a foundation for America. Plain and Simple.

    … He “must stand trial for his private crimes as would any other citizen.”

  19. willythewise123 on

    Reading through it and the only thing I could think is “holy shit.” The contempt this man has for our electoral processes, even when everyone around him is telling him he lost, is dangerous. He doesn’t care who he hurt

  20. These assholes had better all endorse in the next 48 hours. Bush, Pence, Haley, Christie, every member of congress, every last one of them. If not, remember the names of the ones who didn’t, and never let them forget.

  21. The redactions are hilariously transparent, I give it a few hours before someone’s able to piece things together and release an essentially un-redacted version.

  22. Yet, SCOTUS not only believes he should be allowed to run again for the highest office in country but also deserves special immunity that no other president in over two hundred years has requested.

  23. AnohtosAmerikanos on

    So, are we going to elect this man, in spite of his criminality? Because I get the worrisome impression that this bombshell won’t change much of people’s minds.

  24. PoignantPoint22 on

    The simple fact is that Trump never agreed to a peaceful transfer of power and then once he lost, did just about everything he could to ensure that we didn’t have one. And then guess what, we didn’t have a peaceful transfer of power on January 6th and Trump sat on his hands for HOURS while his supporters clashed with police and members of Congress, from BOTH SIDES rightfully feared for their safety.

    Fuck Trump and fuck anybody still supporting him.

  25. Holy shit, when Trump was told that Pence was in imminent danger for his life Trump responded “so what”.

  26. Remember. Please remember.

    1. This has never happened before to any president in this country.

    2. This is not the result of any conspiracy.

    3. This is not caused by “corrupted politicians.”

    4. This is not some made up shit by the media or a cult or Quanon or whatever the fuck to make you vote Democrat on November 5

    This is because Trump is a bad, corrupt criminal and convicted felon, and our society knows it and deems him unworthy to be a lawful citizen any further. That’s it. That’s the reason.

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