You can be fired by your family doctor for visiting a walk-in clinic in Ontario — and there’s little you can do about it

Source: TheDrunkyBrewster


  1. Your doctors office will provide you a list of walk in clinics that they are associated with. We agreed to this, and signed a form, when they took us on as patients more than 15 years ago.

  2. Ok_Commercial_9960 on

    So it’s a Friday afternoon and I need some immediate medical attention and these are my options:

    1- call my Dr and get an appointment in 3 weeks
    2- clog the emergency room for something that isn’t an emergency
    3- go to walk in and loose my Dr.

    So my choices are stupid, stupider and stupidest.

  3. Papasmurfsbigdick on

    Isn’t the issue that they actually don’t get paid in some instances? I don’t mean for the walk in clinic visit, but for subsequent visits to the family doctor. The whole system is a rip off to our family docs. I bet a huge percentage of them regret the time and sacrifice it took to get qualified.

  4. Lmao my family doctor was so pissed when I went to a clinic and ended up getting diagnosed with MS so I can see this

  5. I asked my doctors office this a few months ago. I was told it doesn’t effect them in any way if I go to walk-in. I’m in Ontario if that matters.

  6. Can’t be fired by my family doctor if I’ve never had the privilege of having one in the first place 😎

  7. Noble_Hieronymous on

    Jesus what kind of family doctors are out there? Mine has always advocated me seeking help if I need it. They need to start issuing suspensions to doctors who do this. Anyone who creates a barrier to healthcare should be punished. Fuck this.

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