Sanders’ Resolution Forces Senate Vote To Block U.S. Arms Sales To Israel

Source: TheKeyPa


  1. Yeah , this bill might have some merit to it, but it is dead in the water while Israel is facetanking rocket spams from a nation whose literal foreign policy is to set up and fund groups for the specific role of killing Israel for good.

  2. Some tidbits.
    > which Sanders described as essentially the only tool that Congress has to block American weapons transfers that don’t follow U.S. and international law.
    > The Pentagon notified Congress last month of five possible foreign military sales to Israel totaling more than $20 billion, a record-breaking series of potential arms transfers
    > The Israeli military has also blocked most humanitarian aid from entering the territory, and has significantly escalated attacks in the occupied West Bank and neighboring Lebanon.
    > “Israel clearly had the right to respond to Hamas’ horrific terrorist attack on October 7th … But Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu’s extremist government has not simply waged war against Hamas. It has waged all-out war against the Palestinian people. Netanyahu has bombed hospitals and schools, starved children, destroyed infrastructure and housing stock, and made life unlivable in Gaza. The United States must end its complicity in this atrocity.”

    It’s called total war.

    >$19 billion in 50 new F-15IA aircraft, upgrade kits for existing F-15 aircraft, and associated weapons and parts

    >The resolution’s fact sheet lays out some of the specific instances where Israel used U.S. weapons ― particularly JDAMs and 120mm tank rounds ― to indiscriminately bomb Palestinians, in violation of the 1961 Foreign Assistance Act, the Arms Export Control Act (AECA), the Conventional Arms Transfer policy and international humanitarian law.

    FACT SHEET: Joint Resolutions of Disapproval under the Arms Export Control Act and Proposed Arms Sales to Israel

    >The weapons transfer would also violate one of the Biden administration’s own policies: the National Security Memorandum 20, or NSM-20, which required the State Department and Pentagon to investigate whether countries like Israel that receive U.S. military assistance are using it to break international law. Despite two government bodies concluding that Israel intentionally blocked aid to Gaza, Secretary of State Antony Blinken rejected their findings in his May report ― avoiding having to cut off weapons shipments to the country as required by law, according to a ProPublica investigation published this week.

    > Israel announced on Thursday that it just received an $8.7 billion military package from the U.S.
    > Once the Senate reconvenes in November, the Foreign Relations Committee will have five calendar days to consider the Joint Resolutions of Disapproval
    > A June CBS poll revealed that a whopping 77% of Democrats and 61% of Americans overall want the U.S. to implement an arms embargo to Israel.
    > “There is real anger in this country ― especially among Democrats ― ***that our government keeps writing blank checks to Israel’s military to kill Palestinian civilians in Gaza***, and they are demanding significant policy. They’ll be watching to see if their members of Congress vote in a way that represents them, or whether they continue with a ***broken status quo*** by signing off on another $20 billion weapons giveaway to Israel ***while millions of people here struggle to afford the basics of life ― health care, housing and education for their kids***.”

    Keep in mind that in addition to these weapons US is all up in the Middle East area with planes and ships shooting down missiles and rockets.

    U.S. led coalition of warplanes helped intercept 300 weapons from Iran in historic strike on Israel

    >Iran’s attack, while expected by U.S. intelligence and forecast by President Joe Biden on Friday, was extensive and required significant resources to repel, according to the official.

    >U.S. fighter aircraft and guided-missile destroyers knocked down some of the incoming missiles and drones, according to the official who was briefed on the operation but not authorized to speak publicly.

    And there could be a lot of missiles and rockets.

    >Israel’s war from the north will begin with a massive and destructive barrage of Hezbollah rockets nearly all across the country. The rocket fire will be intense, ranging from 2,500 to 3,000 launches per day, including less accurate rockets and precise long-range missiles. Periodically, Hezbollah will concentrate its efforts, launching massive barrages towards a single target area: a major IDF base or a city in the densely populated center of the country, which will be subjected to hundreds of daily rockets. The barrage will continue day after day until the end of the war, likely three weeks after its outbreak.

    >This horrifying scenario was not written in the wake of Hamas’ October 7th attack on Israel. It is the result of an unprecedented three-year study at the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism at Reichman University, entitled “Dealing with the challenges of the battlefield and winning the war.”

    >“The bottom line is that after 72 hours, it is impossible to live in Israel. We are not ready for a real war. We live in a fantasy world.”

  3. Uhhhh doesn’t he know that we have to ‘escalate to de-escalate’, that means we have to give Israel everything they want and ask for nothing in return and watch as they start a regional war that the US is blamed for

  4. This guy and AOC are pretty much the only truly left-wing voices in America.

    He should be president. He would have been great, too. But Democrats hated him far more than they hate Republicans because Bernie was a threat to the status quo.

    When people wonder why younger people aren’t interested with politics or are disillusioned, Bernie is why. He’s the candidate that most resonated with the hopes and dreams of younger voters in decades. And instead of recognizing that and welcoming it, the Democratic Party pulled out all the stops to politically kneecap him.

    Why would young people support a system in which a good person who wants to do good things was so viciously thwarted by the “good” guys?

  5. Bernie I’m usually on your side, but not for this. Sorry leftists but we just don’t see eye to eye on this.

  6. thorazainBeer on


  7. StevenColemanFit on

    This is such a brain dead motion.

    1. It will never pass and it’s a virtue signal
    2. Israel is fighting a war on several fronts against Iran and doing a great job, all of American allies are delighted behind closed doors

  8. Little bit harder for the Repukes and Israel supporters to yell he is anti-Semitic since he is Jewish

  9. Proud-Wall1443 on

    “If we start a conflict with Palestinians, Yemen, Lebanese, Syrians, *and* Iran they couldn’t possibly consider cutting off our military aid.”
    ~Bibi, probably

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