Brian Topp: Why the NDP stepped away from consumer carbon pricing

Source: scottb84


  1. thebestoflimes on

    **”“Why the hell are you collecting it and then giving it back? What’s the point?” they said.**

    **All of this is, I believe, why the federal NDP recently took a step away from the consumer carbon levy and said they’ll present their own plan in due course.”**

    It bothers me to no end that people misunderstand or mischaracterize the simple math behind the carbon tax. Brian Topp Clearly knows but doesn’t explain it after writing that paragraph.

    The rebate is fixed for everyone, you are going to get what you get based on your situation. You cannot change what you receive, it is **FIXED**.

    What you pay is variable. It is an incentive on almost everything you do or don’t do. Walk to work, pay that much less tax. Walk to work 5 times and get exactly 5 times the benefit. They don’t pick one random thing like windows or solar panels. You do you. Sure you can get an EV when it’s time to replace your vehicle but you can also get a smaller gas car instead of the SUV. You can also still get the big gas guzzler but you will pay more to the pot that we all share. What you pay is **VARIABLE**.

  2. I still find it crazy that in the year 2024 a political party would suddenly oppose a major climate plan without presenting an alternative. Makes them look amateur and unprepared, not ready to govern.

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