The ‘task force’ Mark Carney was hired to lead has no members but him – Carney, considered a future Liberal leadership contender, has not expanded his team and there is no deadline for his report

Source: CaliperLee62


  1. Intrepid-Educator-12 on

    It was a wrong move to put him under the spotlight already.

    Now he is gonna get burn like Trudeau.

  2. MeatballsMadeOfPoo on

    Can we talk about how him being recruited in this manner allows him to be shielded from ethics disclosures?

    Unrelated, but his company just asked for a boatload of tax payer cash didn’t it?

    Super cool.

  3. snipsnaptickle on

    Is this like that waste-of-money special rapporteur on foreign interference David Johnston? Remember him? He said there was no foreign interference. But now the news is coming out that there was. Is this the same? Is every Liberal insider a money-sucking sheister?

  4. BurnTheBoats21 on

    Its insane how proactive they have been trying to bury him this early. The lesson is any successful canadian should stay far away from politics. I geuss we will leave it to the career politicans forever when an actual fucking economist would be pretty damn handy right now. I am going to go ahead and say Post isn’t going to mention the fact Pierre hasnt held a single private sectror job in his entire life but wants to run our country.

  5. Angry_beaver_1867 on

    Like most things in the Trudeau government this is about branding and not substance.  

    « We brought in a guy who knows finance «  – jt

    « Did you listen to him «  – public 

    « We brought in a guy who knows finance «  – jt

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