He wants us to be the big polluters, not China and India.
Rubence_VA on
He is a pathological lier.
The_Path_616 on
Carbon emissions. Climate change. Whatever makes sense.
ResidentKelpien on
From the article:
>“One of the things that I’ve noticed some of our Democratic friends talking a lot about is a concern about carbon emissions — this idea that carbon emissions drives all the climate change,” Vance said.
>“Let’s just say that’s true, just for the sake of argument, so we’re not arguing about weird science. Let’s just say that’s true,” Vance continued.
Weird guy fails at science.
Class_of_22 on
Oh boy.
That will not do him favors with conservatives.
meltink745 on
Yes, because science is made up. Carbon emissions what? Hurricanes what? Duh.
black641 on
He also grumbled about yielding to the experts on… anything, really lol. Dude is a chode.
Palifaith on
Vance selling his own beliefs and soul to be Trump’s lapdog.
BrahesElk on
I hope my family is dead and gone before the country Vance wants exists.
mostly_sarcastic on
So, it’s true. Got it.
arosaki on
I genuinely do not get Republicans obsession with denying climate change. Literally how? HOW?
Technical_Savior90 on
He sounded completely delusional when he described it as “weird science” to me this debate has been a train wreck for him.
ImmediatelyOrSooner on
Moderator: “How are you going to lower house prices?”
JD: “Drill baby drill”
oneof3dguy on
If you make things in us, it doesn’t make climate change???
Skorpyos on
That’s not gonna go very well with his demented base.
WaitUntilTheHighway on
Fuck you Vance, you complicit fuck. With his education you know damn well he knows it’s real.
yourlegacyonearth on
Kind of like OJ Simpson’s book “If I Did It”
LeoMarius on
So he just thinks all these tropical storms and heatwaves are a coincidence?
johhnny5 on
He’s just mad that science spends its time looking at climate change and not how to make sentient furniture sex slaves.
Red_Wing-GrimThug on
Lets make things up. Reminds me of the Muppet Babies using their “imagination”
PlaneCandy on
I think Vance’s game plan was to become a democrat for the debate
thebriss22 on
The really amazing thing about climate change is that you don’t need to believe in it… Climate change believes in you and will fuck your life up lol
See North Carolina as exhibit A
foresh4dow on
Yes let’s, because it is
halfbakedcupcake on
“Best I can do is acknowledge it.”
HyperbolicLetdown on
“Assume, for a moment, that my party and running mate are not completely insane”
CallMeMrVintage on
Okay, settle down, Shapiro.
jukebox_honey on
I don’t believe he actually believes this. It’s an example of what Republicans will say because of the special interests that line their pockets.
dr_z0idberg_md on
I believe deep down as an educated millennial, Vance knows climate change is real. He won’t admit it because his political career is still young, and he does not want to torpedo support from the MAGA base.
gnocchicotti on
“Let’s just say, for the sake of discussion, that the Earth is round rather than flat.”
hooves69 on
These monsters will murder the planet for what? Because a few ultra rich oil tycoons? Despicable
TheHistorian2 on
Yes, let’s.
TouristKitchen on
I enjoy my life here in the USA and cheaper prices until we are ready for cheaper cleaner energy will not work.
moutonbleu on
JD Vance is always the smartest guy in the room, science and facts be damned
xeloth9 on
2024 and they still refuse to accept basic facts. “Clean Air and Water” mean nothing in the face of getting blasted by stronger hurricanes, frequent tornados and our farmland dealing with constant draughts and floods.
AlfredBird on
His argument was literally… “if carbon dioxide is really so bad, we ought to be releasing more of it from _home_!”.
I don’t even know where to begin…
LaraCreates88 on
Given all of the increase in storms and the ridiculous fluctuations and temperatures we’ve been having lately, how can he just casually be like yeah well let’s say that’s true..? Not to mention the famous picture of the icebergs from …what, a century ago??? They dont exist anymore. Just like this guy’s last brain cell. I swear he has more eyeliner than brain cells
He wants us to be the big polluters, not China and India.
He is a pathological lier.
Carbon emissions. Climate change. Whatever makes sense.
From the article:
>“One of the things that I’ve noticed some of our Democratic friends talking a lot about is a concern about carbon emissions — this idea that carbon emissions drives all the climate change,” Vance said.
>“Let’s just say that’s true, just for the sake of argument, so we’re not arguing about weird science. Let’s just say that’s true,” Vance continued.
Weird guy fails at science.
Oh boy.
That will not do him favors with conservatives.
Yes, because science is made up. Carbon emissions what? Hurricanes what? Duh.
He also grumbled about yielding to the experts on… anything, really lol. Dude is a chode.
Vance selling his own beliefs and soul to be Trump’s lapdog.
I hope my family is dead and gone before the country Vance wants exists.
So, it’s true. Got it.
I genuinely do not get Republicans obsession with denying climate change. Literally how? HOW?
He sounded completely delusional when he described it as “weird science” to me this debate has been a train wreck for him.
Moderator: “How are you going to lower house prices?”
JD: “Drill baby drill”
If you make things in us, it doesn’t make climate change???
That’s not gonna go very well with his demented base.
Fuck you Vance, you complicit fuck. With his education you know damn well he knows it’s real.
Kind of like OJ Simpson’s book “If I Did It”
So he just thinks all these tropical storms and heatwaves are a coincidence?
He’s just mad that science spends its time looking at climate change and not how to make sentient furniture sex slaves.
Lets make things up. Reminds me of the Muppet Babies using their “imagination”
I think Vance’s game plan was to become a democrat for the debate
The really amazing thing about climate change is that you don’t need to believe in it… Climate change believes in you and will fuck your life up lol
See North Carolina as exhibit A
Yes let’s, because it is
“Best I can do is acknowledge it.”
“Assume, for a moment, that my party and running mate are not completely insane”
Okay, settle down, Shapiro.
I don’t believe he actually believes this. It’s an example of what Republicans will say because of the special interests that line their pockets.
I believe deep down as an educated millennial, Vance knows climate change is real. He won’t admit it because his political career is still young, and he does not want to torpedo support from the MAGA base.
“Let’s just say, for the sake of discussion, that the Earth is round rather than flat.”
These monsters will murder the planet for what? Because a few ultra rich oil tycoons? Despicable
Yes, let’s.
I enjoy my life here in the USA and cheaper prices until we are ready for cheaper cleaner energy will not work.
JD Vance is always the smartest guy in the room, science and facts be damned
2024 and they still refuse to accept basic facts. “Clean Air and Water” mean nothing in the face of getting blasted by stronger hurricanes, frequent tornados and our farmland dealing with constant draughts and floods.
His argument was literally… “if carbon dioxide is really so bad, we ought to be releasing more of it from _home_!”.
I don’t even know where to begin…
Given all of the increase in storms and the ridiculous fluctuations and temperatures we’ve been having lately, how can he just casually be like yeah well let’s say that’s true..? Not to mention the famous picture of the icebergs from …what, a century ago??? They dont exist anymore. Just like this guy’s last brain cell. I swear he has more eyeliner than brain cells